𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟒

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"What are you doing for Christmas break?" I propped my head up on my elbow and leaned on the desk, facing Damian.

The Professor's powerpoint wasn't working so she gave us time to talk amongst ourselves while she tried figuring out the slideshow. Today was the last day of college before we all broke up for the holidays and I was curious to see what he was doing.

My mama and papa are visiting for a day before taking off on their annual Christmas holiday. This time they were going to The Philippines and helping out with kids that needed it.

"Staying home. You?" He replied, looking over at me from his relaxed position. Even when Damian wasn't trying, he was still gorgeous and it made my heart hurt. Everytime I have thoughts like these, I remind myself we have an agreement for him to help me and nothing else.

I needed to get out of my school girl crush.

"My mama and papa are coming over tomorrow. Just for the day, though. Are you going anywhere for the holidays?"

I shifted under his gaze as he leant forward, eyes fixated on the necklace lying on my chest. His necklace. I hadn't taken it off ever since he put it on me, and it's now become my new favorite accessory to pair with my outfits.

Damian shot the end of his pen out and lifted the heart pendant with the tip, examining it before he was satisfied. He completely ignored my question. "You're actually wearing that?"

What a silly question. Of course I would be wearing it. "Why wouldn't I?"

He shrugged; sitting back in his seat and kicking his legs up on the desk, placing his arms behind his head which only accentuated the muscles and veins running down. My core throbbed as I paid close attention to his inked forearms, with all sorts of different tattoos drawn on.

However, my eye caught one tattoo on the underside of his bicep. Cassandra. Who the heck was that? A feeling of unease washed over me, and my stomach started to turn. Was that one of his ex-girlfriends? His first love maybe?


I shouldn't be getting jealous, we don't belong to each other. Although, the thought of Damian ever being with someone else made me feel sick, as rude and annoying as he was. Only I should be getting that attention.

"Just didn't expect you to actually wear it all the time." His voice finally spoke up.

"Oh." Oh. Oh? That's all you had to say.

He chuckled, assuring me. "Keep wearing it though, it looks pretty on you."

"Oh." I croaked out and I shut my eyes instantly, cringing from the second hand embarrassment. I was acting like a grade-schooler with my current behavior and it was humiliating. Damian's probably used to girls that know what they're doing, girls that had every response planned out.

And here I was, a stuttering mess and the only word I could think of was 'Oh'. I'm surprised this man's still putting up with me, considering if it was anybody else, he would punch them or something.

"Why do you get nervous around me?" He asked, amusement seeping in.


"What do you mean? I don't get nervous around you." I was lying, but sue me.

"Stop lying, yes you do."

I chewed on my bottom lip, thinking of what to say next. Being around Damian was a nervous experience, but I was still trying to decipher if I liked it or not.

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