𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑

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(i added a link to a song i think fits the vibe of this scene!)


I'm done with Damian, I can't believe what this man is doing.

He followed me on my date?

My grip was firm around his arm and as I dragged him out the back arcade door into some random alleyway, I don't even need to turn around to know that he's smiling like the arrogant man he is.

I shut the back door, being careful not to slam it and let go of Damian's wrist, leaving him to back up against a wall. I turn to face him and narrow my eyes.

Damian chuckles, smirking, "If you wanted to fuck me, angel, then you should've just told me. No need for these dramatics but if you want to do it in an alleyway, then I'm not complaining."

I roll my eyes and groan. "Are you always this horny?"

Damian places both of his hands and pulls me closer, burying his head in my neck, bringing his lips dangerously close to my skin. "Only for you." I feel both of his lips close on my neck and he sucks and nibbles for a few seconds, but licks the skin after to calm the tingling sensation.

Did he just kiss my neck? Damian hums in response as if he knew exactly what I was thinking, his thumb stroking my hip. This seems familiar.

I could stay in this position forever, but I need to stand my ground. "Stop." I step out of his hold and place both my hands on his chest to restrict him from coming any closer. Damian's lips are slightly wet and glistening from the kiss and I can't help but stare at them. His lips are pink and full, and I wonder what they'd taste like.

Stop. He's your brother's best friend.

I regain myself and remind myself that he followed me on a date, which is not okay. "I can't believe you!"

"I can."

"Shut up. I can't believe you followed me on a date, don't you have any shame?" I'm extremely close to shouting, but I don't want to draw any attention from people passing by.

"Nope." His response has me looking up and gritting my teeth. This man was the definition of annoying and his stupid one word answers are making me want to rip my hair out.

"You're so annoying! Even Maikel wouldn't do this, so what makes you think you have the right to do this? You're completely violating my privacy and it's none of your business who I go out with," I'm rambling and my sentences don't really make sense, but the fact that he's more concentrated on my face than what's coming out of my mouth.

"Are you even listening to me? Stop looking at me like that." I snap.

"No." Damian mutters, but I don't miss the hint of a smile on his lips.

"Why not?" I cross my arms.

"You're sexy when you're mad." He grins and puts a piece of rogue hair behind my ear.

"Stop that." His touch gave me butterflies and I secretly yearn for more but I wasn't going to let him know that.

"Stop what, sweetheart?" Damian crosses his arms, almost mocking me but his stance is much more dominating. Damn it.

"You know what you're doing. Stop it, Damian."

"I'm not doing anything, baby." My stomach is doing jumping jacks at his nickname and I all of a sudden don't feel mad at him. But he deserves my silent treatment so I'm still not going to give in.

I go to say something but a sweet young lady stops by the alleyway and turns to us. "Are you okay, darling? Is this man troubling you?"

I smile, shaking my head but Damian opens his annoying mouth. "Firstly, it is extremely rude to assume I'm troubling her, when it very much could be the other way round. And secondly, we're fine- couple arguments."

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