𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟕

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I fucked up. Horribly.

And, instead of going and fixing my mistake, explaining everything to Carmen, I ran. Like I always did. I did it when Rose came to my room as a child, I did it to escape my responsibilities when my father died, I did it when I left Adonis alone and now, I did it with Carmen.

It was what I did best.

"Brusier, now's not the fucking time." I looked down at my German Shepherd, who was currently circling my body as I stood in the kitchen trying to figure out what the fuck I should do.

Part of me wants to go round Carmen's apartment and get on my knees, begging for her forgiveness and to let me explain, not giving a shit about anyone that heard me. But another part of me thought this whole 'agreement' had gone too far. We had overstepped all the fucking boundaries that were set in the first place. This had turned into something more than what we originally agreed on and it had gotten out of hand, I know it and she knows it.

Maybe, this was my fucking reality check. I was on Cloud Nine over a girl that cried over bugs dying. If we contined whatever the fuck we were doing any more, I would end up falling in love with the girl; if I hadn't alreay. I didn't need this mere distraction, especially not now.

My throat tightened at the thought of me and Carmen not speaking anymore, and an empty feeling settled into my stomach. I didn't even fucking mean for her to hear that shit and I didn't fucking mean it. I was just protecting her.

"Yo, D. What you reckon with me getting with Marquez' little sister? She's hot, I'll give you that." Josh spoke, laughing. My fist tightened into a rock solid ball, but I had to remain calm.

Josh and me hated each other's fucking guts, and would do anything to get on one another's nerves. If he found out I cared about Carmen, who knows what will fucking happen. The guy's had failed rape allegations against him, fuck's sake.

"Who? Carmen?" I played dumb, not giving into his little game.

"Yeah, thought I'd ask you since you and Maikel are in love or some shit like that. Don't you see her all the time when you go to his apartment?" He replied.

I had two options. Beat the batshit living out of him, and potentially risk having him do something to Carmen just to get a reaction out of me. Or, act like I didn't give two flying fucks about her so he would drop it.

I chose the second one.

"Don't know much about her. She stays in her room all the time, studying. Couldn't even tell you the color of her eyes." I could actually, a rich chocolate. Darker than an acord, but not deep enough to pass off as the color of oak. Beautiful, just like her.

The other guys chuckled, some of them stopping their former conversations and listening in on ours. "You know what they say, D? The quietest girls always like it the hardest. Just imagine the shit you could do to her, and she would probably be too fucking scared to even speak up about it, letting you do whatever you wanted." Reynolds, a senior on the football team, spoke.

I tilted my head to each side, cracking it as I inhaled sharply to maintain my anger. "Doubt it when it comes to that one. She's as quiet as a mouse."

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