𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟏

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play the song when i add in a ***


I don't think I've ever been this lazy before.

Normally, I would be doing something-anything to keep myself busy. Heck, I would even study for fun just so I wouldn't sit there and do nothing. But for the past three hours, all I have done is sit on the couch and makeout with Damian.

Not that I was complaining, though.

My lips were swollen and puffy from our constant kissing and I wasn't sure if I could take any more. Besides, my uterus was killing me. It was like I was being stabbed over and over again with no break. I think Damian noticed because as we were watching a movie, he slipped his hand under my sweatshirt and started rubbing small circles on my skin which made the pain somewhat bearable.

"How have you never watched High School Musical before?" I asked him. I was currently sitting on his lap in the lounge while we watched the first movie so I had to turn my head to come face to face with Damian.

He furrowed his brows, eyes still fixed on the TV. "No clue, but it's a shit movie."

"Yeah right, you've not kept your eyes off the TV since the movie started." I was starting to think he was into Zac Effron. I mean who wouldn't be, it's Zac freaking Effron.

"I've been doing everything but look at the TV, it's you that's staring at it. Maybe you're into Troy Bolton. Huh?" He teased me.

"Well...It is Troy, you can't blame me."

That got his attention. "What the fuck? Are you being serious?"

I laughed out loud even harder from his jealousy. "Of course not! I was just joking."

"You better fucking be." He grumbled, removing his hands from my waist and folding them over his chest.

I sat up on his lap, placing my hands on the couch either side of me and turning to look at him. "There's no way you're jealous over a movie character. Who knew this day would come?"

Damin squinted his eyes, still frowning before he placed his hands on my stomach again. "I'll give you fucking jealous." And then, the attack started. His fingers repeatedly curled onto my skin and I cried out from humor.

"S-stop!" I leant forward with my upper half and placed my hands over Damian's, trying to prevent him from tickling me any further.

"Say that Troy Bolton is not attractive." He demanded.

"What will you do if I don't?" My cramps were kicking in again but I couldn't care less. I was attempting desperately to pry him off me but it was no use, he wouldn't stop. My laughter increased and my stomach churned and if this was anyone else; I would scream for them to get off me. But it was Damian, so I was having fun.

"Say it."

"Okay, okay! Troy Bolton is not attractive. There! Now s-stop tickling me, please." I pleaded, my asthma kicking in from how out of breath I was.

His hands disappeared from my body and I sighed, slumping back against him so my back was resting on his chest. Damian pulled my tucked in hair out of my sweatshirt and moved it to the side of my neck-so it was out of the way.

I was really making a harsh effort to ignore my cramps but I was beginning to not be able to take it anymore. The painful ache was growing by the second and I wasn't sure how to contain it. I have medicine at home to stop them from getting unbearable, but I wasn't at home now. I doubt Damian had Feminax lying around at his disposal.

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