𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟔

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play the song when i add in a ***


"Wake up." A small voice whispered in my ear, my arms instinctively going to wrap themselves around her waist. I slowly opened my eyes, coming face to face with the angelic girl lying on top of me. Even with her hair all ruffled up and the small remnants of dried up drool stuck around the corner of her mouth; Carmen was still the epitome of perfection-in all ways.

I kissed the top of her head, which is something she seems to like a lot, and spoke. "Are you sore?"

"A little, but I think I'll be fine enough to walk." Carmen replied, slowly getting up from her position on my chest. She rose on shaky legs, her naked skin shining from where peeks of sunlight crept in. As soon as she took one step, her leg faltered and she fell to the bed. She looked over to me, a small smile on her face. "On second thought, nevermind."

I laughed, pulling the sheets off me and standing in front of her. "My dick game's just too strong." I said, while bending down and lifting Carmen's waist up, making her legs wrap around me.

"I thought we dropped the big ego ages ago." She nuzzled her face in my neck, wrapping her arms around me as I walked us to the bathroom.

Setting Carmen down on the counter, I grabbed both of our toothbrushes and laid toothpaste on the bristles, handing the pink one to her. "Can't help it when I have you around to inflate it even more." She snorted, both of us brushing our teeth at the same time.

Carmen finished, spitting the toothpaste out and rinsing her mouth. "I liked last night."

"Yeah?" I teased.


"Me too." In fact, I liked it a lot fucking more than I was giving off. I loved it. It was the best night I think I've had in my entire life. She was different last night than the little introvert everyone knew her to be. The way she was taking my dick like the good girl she is, moaning my name over and over again, it was fucking embarrassing how quick I had come.

Just my fucking luck I had fallen for my best friend's little sister. The same girl that I was claiming not to give two shits about just five months ago.

"Use the bathroom and I'll get you some clothes." I kissed her lips.

"Okay, they should be in my bag." Carmen hopped off the counter, tying her hair up.

Smiling, I turned around and watched her. "Not your clothes. Mine."

"Damian." She warned.

"What? You can change after, when you leave, but for now let me enjoy my time with you." I left the bathroom, giving her no time to argue back. Maybe if we were bickering about something else, I would give in. But seeing Carmen in my clothes was a sight I would pay good money to see non-stop.

Grabbing a pair of boxers from my walk-in wardrobe, I slid them on before taking another pair for Carmen and one of my black T-shirts. I walked back out into the bedroom to find her sitting on the bed, cross legged. Her wavy, tangled hair was up in a bun which only highlighted the soft curve of her cheekbones.

"I don't think it's normal to be this sore after losing your virginity." She spoke, grabbing the clothes from my hand and putting them on. I had almost forgotten that I was her first time. I wouldn't call myself an obsessive weird fucking freak, but hell that piece of information made me feel good.

"Maybe we should Google it." I suggested. I lost my virginity a long fucking time ago without having any consequences after, and every girl I fucked, I didn't stick around long enough to notice, so I was fairly new to this.

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