𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟐

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For the past week and a half, me and Damian have been studying at my place in the kitchen. Ever since Damian's rudeness at his place, I decided it would be best to just study at mine, so nothing like that would happen again.

During our study sessions, Damian has been distant and only gives me one worded answers when he has to. I don't know what switched, or what made him feel the need to start acting horrible to me out of nowhere, but I've given up at this point. This man is so bipolar it's starting to hurt.

We were supposed to have another study session again today in half an hour and I was the opposite of excited. There really wasn't any point in studying together with him, since none of us made any move to speak. We were probably just better off doing the project by ourselves.

In the span of a week and a half, Adam was really starting to get on my nerves. Not a lot of people annoy me, the exception being Damian, but Adam was close to joining him. Almost everyday, he has been pestering me about always kissing him even though I didn't want to, his hand would always drop down to my thighs or another risky place, and he would occasionally hint at something sexual. I'm not really sure what me and Adam are, I wouldn't necessarily say we were exclusive but we both liked each other I guess.

I never told anyone about my issue though, as people would most likely just tell me to suck it up and deal with it. Adam was a man with needs, and soon enough I would either have to fulfill them or he would leave. The thought scared me however, I was not experienced in the slightest and would blush like crazy when someone would compliment me.

I was almost nineteen and still a virgin, which in today's society is practically non-existent. All of my friends have sex on a monthly basis, whilst I've only ever kissed two guys. I never really bothered to pay much attention to all of that, but now I was kind of embarrassed to not have done anything.

Maikel entered the kitchen, coming round and taking a bite out of my toast. "Morning sis."

"Hey! Make your own food." I looked down at my toast and a huge chunk had been bitten out of my food.

"Can't be bothered," He opened the fridge and took out a bottle of orange juice. "Oh by the way, you have to go to Damian's house for your studying thing today."

My eyes popped out of their sockets. Why does he want me to go to his house? Does he want to treat me like crap again or something?

"Why can't he just come here? It's what we've been doing for the past two weeks." I asked.

"Because his leg hurts or some shit from football. I can't drop you off."

I guess I was going to his house then. "Why not?"

"I can't be bothered." I rolled my eyes at his response, and he had the audacity to call me lazy?

'Fine, I'll leave in ten." Huffing, I stood up and placed my dish in the sink, making my way to my bedroom.

I had already showered and put my outfit on for the day so all I had to do was brush my hair which only took five minutes max.

I really didn't want to go to Damian's house today. I was stressed out from Adam and his odd behaviors, and to make matters worse, I had just started my period. The last thing I wanted to be dealing with was Damian's attitude.

Being content with how I looked, I grabbed my school bag and padded over to the front door, whilst I was booking an Uber. It would be here in five minutes so that meant I had five minutes to prepare myself to face Damian, aka my worst nightmare. I wasn't going to cry this time, and I wasn't going to let him treat me badly like how he did last time.

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