𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔

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My breath was heavy, and my muscles burned as I placed the dumbbells down back onto the rack. Ever since my little run in with Carmen, I have been doing everything and anything to keep my mind off her.

It's not like I meant to drag her tiny ass into an empty science lab, and I definitely did not mean to threaten her if she ever went near a boy. She was only allowed to go near me.

The truth was, I didn't have a single clue as to what has been happening with me this past week. I was never normally like this, and couldn't give two shits about who a girl went near. I would fuck them and that was it.

But with Carmen, it was different. Ever since I had met her, I had this possessive feeling over her, and if it was up to me, I would lock her in a room to keep those horny boys in college to stop eye fucking her.

She was delusional if she couldn't see how many guys were practically undressing her with their eyes. I imagined how poor Maikel must be feeling. He told me that after this one incident with a boy asking to go out with Carmen and how he punched him, ever since then boys used to go up to Maikel beforehand asking if it was okay to take Carmen out on a date. Maikel always said no, but Carmen had no idea any of this was happening. That's why all her life, she thought no one was interested in her.

it was all a bit much really, I understood that Maikel was her older brother, but asking for his approval to date Carmen? Even I wouldn't go that far.

I shut my eyes and memories of my arm snaked around Carmen's waist filled my mind. Our bodies were touching, the only sound was our heavy breathing. I remember twirling a piece of her hair in my fingers, the same piece that Zed or whatever his name was touching.

I hated Zed. I disliked a lot of people but only ever hated one. Zed was now added onto that list and I was going to make it very obvious to show him my hatred for him. Ignoring him, I continued to think about Carmen, and that my encounter with her.

Carmen was a bit taller than most girls, but even then she still had to crane her head upwards just to make eye contact with me. On her tiptoes, she would barely reach my chin- I suddenly liked our height difference very much. A vivid image of her looking up at me with her big brown doe eyes and full pink lips had me thinking about what she would look like with my dick shoved in her mouth and Carmen on her knees for me.

I felt blood rush to my groin, and I groaned. I needed to push all Carmen- related thoughts out of my head and a cold shower as soon as possible. I left my apartment living room and basically ran to the shower. I stepped in and turned the shower knob to the coldest setting. The icy water stung my body, but my hard-on was getting less obvious so I wasn't complaining.

After about ten minutes, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my lower half, water droplets dripping down my body. I checked my phone and noticed a message from Maikel.

Maikel: wanna come over? Josh is here as well.

Josh was a dickhead, and even he knew it. I only tolerated it since he was on the football team and Coach demanded it. The bastard was okay at the sport so Coach made me get along with him if I wanted to stay co-captain. Me and Maikel were both co-captain of the team, since Coach loved us both and didn't want to choose between us. That's how me and Maikel came to be best friends.

I realized that there was a high chance Carmen would also be there. I think I'm going to go. Just to make sure Josh wouldn't pull some stupid shit on Carmen.

Maikel was right, Carmen was completely and utterly innocent. I liked that about her, I wanted to keep her innocence intact for everyone else, but ruin and corrupt her in every way myself.

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