𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟓

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"Carmen, hurry the fuck up! I don't have all day, you know?" Maikel screamed from the front door, tapping on a surface. I rushed to him, shoving my shoes on roughly and walking out the apartment.

"I told you, it wasn't necessary to drop me off. I could have gotten an Uber."

He locked the door and began making his way to the elevator. "Do you know how much money you've blown from Ubers? There's no way you're gonna continue getting them. Which reminds me, you have a driving test in about three weeks." Kai mentioned, as if it was completely normal.

I stopped in my tracks, eyes popping out of their sockets. "What? Says who?" Me and driving didn't go well, everybody knows that. I freaking close my eyes when I get behind the wheel, for God's sake.

"Me. I've decided I can't be bothered being your chauffeur all the time so, you're passing your test. Mama and papa have spent enough money for your lessons as well, so don't give me that bullshit about not knowing how to." He pressed the elevator button, ignoring my panicked state.

I stand in front of him, slapping his arm and raising my voice. "Estás loco? Cuántas veces tengo que decírtelo? Tengo miedo de la carretera!"

Are you crazy? How many times do I have to tell you, I'm afraid of the road!

We got inside the elevator and waited for it to shut before continuing our argument. Maikel scrunched his nose, looking at me like a mad woman. "Why are you speaking in Spanish?"

"So no one can hear us arguing." There wasn't actually anyone near us, but I also switch to Spanish when I'm seemingly angry.

He shrugged, still not giving in. "No me importa. Supera tu miedo, tienes diecinueve años y no sabes conducir. Papá ya ha pagado el examen, así que vas a ir." Maikel countered in Spanish, his voice going even deeper than normal when he switches to speaking in our native tongue.

I don't care. Get over your fear, you're nineteen and don't know how to drive. Papa's already paid for the test so you're going.

I groaned, wanting to rip out my own hair. "FIne, but I hope you know I'll purposely fail."

"Do that and I won't drive you around anywhere anymore. I have a life as well." The door to the car garage opened.

"I hardly ever ask you!'

"You ask the Uber drivers all the time, think about how those poor people feel." Kai unlocked his white Mercedes Benz C class and climbed in, not waiting for me to do the same before turning on the engine.

"That's not the same." I slammed the door shut knowing it pisses him off.

He looked at me with narrowed eyes before driving off, getting the last word. "Te vas, no me importa."

You're going, I don't care.

I screamed.


"Took you long enough." Damian stood on the other side of his apartment, wearing gray sweatpants and a white T-shirt, the same chain hanging around his neck. I'm convinced this was all he wears.

I walked into his apartment, not forgetting to quickly kiss him and pat Bruiser then taking off my sneakers. "Sorry, I got into a fight with Kai."

He wrapped his arms around me and I smiled, spinning in his hold and touching his soft cheek with my fingers. "About what?"

"He's forcing me to take a driving test when I don't want to. I'm perfectly fine not having my license."

"That sounds like a good idea, actually." As soon as the words left Damian's mouth and he saw my reaction, his face went blank; immediately regretting his decision. "Actually, on second thought, that was shitty of him."

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