𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓

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My hickey was slowly going and not as noticeable so I've been able to get away as saying it was a straightener burn. Everyone I had lied to seemed to believe it, of course the exception being Nila.

She had come to my apartment the night after we stalked the football team under the bleachers and demanded details. A very long night later, along with a couple gasps along the way, Nila knew everything about the date. I had sworn her to secrecy otherwise extremely bad baby pictures of her will be shown to people.

"Carmen, you ready?" Maikel shouts from outside my bedroom.

I was currently sitting cross legged in front of my floor to ceiling mirror staring at the hickey. I've been obsessing over it for the past few days, and even though the actual hickey itself isn't that big of a deal, it was more about who gave it.

"Yeah, give me a sec!" I shouted ever so slightly.

Hearing a grumble of acknowledgement coming from Kai, I decided to get up before he gets mad for making us late. His Coach was putting more pressure on the team if they wanted to win state, requiring more training and expected a lot from Kai and Damian, considering they were captains so Kai has been grumpier than usual lately.

I stood up, putting my hair in a half up half down ponytail, pulling out a few strands of hair in the front, careful not to overdo it because my baby hairs were already very visible. My outfit today was a black skirt that was tight around my legs and reached a couple inches above my knee- it was a bit short considering I've had the skirt for years. My top was a simple cropped brown button up and to pair it off I wore some sheer black tights and my trusty Doc Martens.

My outfit was simple but cute and the weather was now getting colder since it was the start of October so I knew I wouldn't be cold.

Grabbing my backpack and phone I left the room to go meet Maikel out front. I had no choice but to skip breakfast so I pray I'll make it to break without my stomach grumbling.

It was a problem.

"Cammy, why are you so late today?" Kai sounded annoyed but tried not to let it show. Maybe because I was looking at the hickey your best friend gave me for about an hour.

I chose to go with the safer approach. "Sorry, I woke up late."

We left the apartment and got in his car. The ride was silent except for the consistent tapping noise my brother was committing on his thighs. I felt for him, he's always suffered from anxiety ever since he was little and all this football stuff must be driving him crazy. As a result, he resorted to weed and alcohol in high school. My parents realised he needed help so he was sent to therapy and now he wouldn't dare going near weed and only drinks on special occasions. I was proud of him.

"How's your straightener burn?" Kai looked over at me.

I was a crap liar and Kai knew that. I'm honestly surprised that he hasn't caught on yet. This is new for me, I've also never lied to Kai in my life, telling him anything that was interesting.

"It's okay, getting better." I smile up at him praying he doesn't call my bluff. It seemed to work when he nodded and focused his attention back onto the road.


Nila comes up to me outside of the main campus building and we link arms. I say goodbye to Kai and we walk inside the building.

"Your hickey's slowly going I see." Nila moves my hair and inspects it. I swat her hand away and glare at her.

"It's not a monument or anything." I roll my eyes.

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