𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟐

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I awoke from my slumber with a huge splash of icy cold water coming down onto my face and body. Immediately, I shot up, my mouth wide open as I tried to catch my breath.

What the heck?

"Happy Birthday, Cammy!" A masculine voice shouted at me from the side of my ear, making me flinch. My head snapped to the person, eyes narrowing once I saw Maikel standing with an empty bucket and a huge smile plastered on his face.

"What the hell, Maikel." I scrambled out of bed, the soaked sweatshirt I wore to bed clinging to me and a puddle of water slid off me. Pushing against his chest, I complained further. "It's only like eleven in the morning, couldn't you wait till later?"

He only ignored me and brought me to his chest, hugging my body and getting himself all wet. "It's already eleven, I couldn't wait any longer. We do this every year."

Correction, Maikel does this every year. Since we were little kids, each birthday he would make it his mission to wake me up with a bucket of water. I always held off doing it back to him because I would feel bad, but now I might just have to start.

"I'm soaked."

"Too bad, Nila and Damian are coming round in a bit so I had to wake you up, get ready." Kai shrugged, peeling his shirt off his body as he made his way out of my bedroom. I wish I could do that.

"Wait. Damian? Why's he coming?" Nila always came over on my birthday, and I did the same for hers, so that wasn't a big surprise. But, Damian? He's not got any business here.

Kai sighed, rolling his eyes with an unnecessary amount of attitude. "I have said this multiple times before, I cannot deal with two girls in my space for long amounts of time. One is bad enough."

"Hey!" I threw a pillow at him but the lucky idiot dodged. "It's my birthday. You can't be rude."

"Whatever, get ready." He smiled, pulling out his phone and shutting the bedroom door behind him.

Once I knew he was gone, I locked my door and pulled my sweatshirt off. Since I only sleep in a sweatshirt and shorts I was topless and half-naked. My phone pinged with a notification and I assumed it was just my parents wishing me a 'Happy Birthday mija'.

But it wasn't. It wasn't my relatives or my few friends from back home. It was Adam. How did he know it was my birthday? I don't think I ever told him the date, so who told him? Picking up my phone, I walked over to my desk and took a seat due to the massive wet patch situated on my bed.

Adam: can we talk

What does that even mean? Granted, I haven't heard from the guy in a while since we suggested we went on a break for both our sakes. Maybe he came to a final decision about whether or not we should continue our 'relationship'.

Me: yeah, sure

Less than a minute later, Adam's caller ID showed up on my phone, a ringing sound filling the silence. Answering it, I put the call on speaker and set the phone down on my desk. "Hey."

"Hey, sorry if ringing you is inconvenient." His voice seeped through the speakers, making me cringe. Damian's voice is better.


"No, I'm free. What's up?" I didn't know what else to say and didn't really feel like making small talk. I also didn't feel like sharing with him that it was my birthday, it wasn't a major day in my opinion and I don't want the whole of campus finding out.

"So I understand that me wanting a break from you must have really taken a toll on you." No, it was actually the opposite but whatever he says.

"Um, yeah it did." I didn't want to deflate the poor boy's ego so I went along with it.

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