𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟒

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I must be going crazy. There was no other suitable reason for it. Only a crazy person would take an Uber to Damian's house and accept his offer.

Four months ago, I wouldn't have even considered it. But here we are.

Damian's brows furrowed, almost as if he couldn't believe it himself. "Let me get this straight. You're actually saying..yes?"

I got straight to the point. "Yes. I want you to teach me. Haven't I already said that?"

"No, I heard you for the first time. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you actually want me to. I didn't think you'd say yes." He chewed on the inside of his lip, lost in thought.

"Why wouldn't I?" I was still standing outside of his apartment, whilst he was leaning against the doorframe.

"Because..." My eyes drifted to his nose, yet again. This man really had a nose piercing? And I was really finding it attractive? Sure the small diamond studs pierced into his ears were pleasantly distracting, but the nose piercing broke the scale.

I wonder where else he has a piercing?

"Because you don't seem like the type that would accept an offer like that." Damian finally concluded.

I suddenly felt offended, of some sorts. Everyone could tell that I had not a single clue about this sort of stuff, but Damian didn't need to bring it up.

"And what type do I seem like?" Folding my arms, I took a couple of steps backward after realizing how close we were. Damian, in return, only stepped away from the door closer to me until we were inches away, our chests brushing against each other.

He let out a breathy laugh, smirking as he tucked a piece of my hair behind my ears. We stood there for what felt like forever, staring at one another. Out of nowhere, Damian snapped his hand to my wrist in one swift movement and enclosed his palm around it. "Quit looking at me like that."

"Like what?" My tone wavered slightly. I'll admit, the way I was looking up at him wasn't normally the way I looked at people. My lips were slightly parted and I found my eyes were wider than usual, eyelashes fluttering a lot more out of nervousness. But my change in expression was completely innocent on my behalf and I didn't know it would affect him as much as it did.

"You know how. Now stop, before I do something I'll probably end up fucking regretting." Damian looked like he was struggling to restrain himself from doing something, so I felt bad for him. I know how annoying it is to stop yourself from doing things.

So I sympathized with him. "I know how you feel." I shrugged.

"You do?" Damian's grip on my wrist was still prominent but not as tight.

"Yep. When I was younger, I used to sneak chocolates all the time. One time my mama caught me and she said I wasn't allowed them for the rest of the day. It took everything in me to restrain myself an-" I stopped when I saw his face.

He looked amused, to say the least. His lips were curled upwards, but not enough to call it a smile. My face reddened from embarrassment when I caught on that we were thinking about completely different things and I had just rambled to him about the weirdest story ever.

"Oh. Right. You're probably on about something else." I looked down, desperate to mask my hot pink cheeks.

"Mhmm." Damian drew out, his raspy voice doing sinful things to me, creating a swarm of butterflies in my stomach.

"I should, erm, probably go." I stepped out of his hold, not being able to take any longer of his intoxicating scent. His cologne smells stronger than it should to me, hints of woody scents and sweet spice invading my personal bubble.

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