𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟗

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"I promise you, I'll be okay. I have Nila."

Still, Maikel wasn't convinced as he refused to unlock the car doors until he was absolutely certain that I was fine. "You're sure? You can always miss another day of school, it won't really matter."

I sighed, shaking my head and pulling my backpack into my lap. "No, I want to be at school, it's a good distraction. Now, please, will you let me out of the freaking car?"

Kai narrowed his eyes on me and I used that time to reach over to his side and press the 'unlock' button, and scrambled out of the car before he could say otherwise. "Gotta go, love you!" I shut the door and rushed over to the main building, where my first class was.

Accounting. The class I had with Damian. Just freaking great. Maybe he was ill and wasn't going to come in today? It wouldn't be great if we took a break then a day later, I saw the man. Taking a deep breath, I stepped inside the building and made my way to the lecture room. People were still piling in while the Professor set up the presentation.

Walking up the stairs, I stopped in the middle when I saw Damian sitting in our usual seats, one arm slouched over my desk and his attention occupied with his phone. For once, he actually had his books on the desk and open, waiting to be read from. My foot subconsciously reached out on the next step above to sit in my usual seat, but my body paused.

Someone bumped into my back and I turned around to see who it was. "Get moving, we don't have all day."

"Oh, sorry." I muttered and looked to the row I was currently standing next to. Empty, with one or two students sitting on the desks to talk with their friends. I settled with this line of seats just because I didn't want to be a pain to others waiting for me to cv up. Maneuvering through the chairs, I slumped into one near the middle of the room and unpacked my bag, setting my books out neatly.

I focused my eyes on the back of the Professor's head when less than a minute later, I heard books slam onto the desk near mine. My head snapped round and I noticed Damian, getting comfortable in the seat one away from mine. He refused to look at my face, but instead, pretending to listen to the lecture.

I suddenly knew what he was playing at. I wanted space, so he was giving it to me. In his own, twisted way, of course. Where I wasn't let out of his sight.

Rolling my eyes, I shuffled up next to Damian, and whispered. "Why are you sitting here?"

"I wanted a change of scenery. Couldn't see the board from that far back." He crossed his arms and leaned his head into mine so they were almost touching, but still kept his eyes distant.

"You never had a problem with the board until now."

"Why are you sitting here?" He asked.

"Because we're on a break, so it only felt right."

"Well, how does sitting together ruin the meaning of our break?"

What do I say to that? He has a point. "Because, I'm still mad at you and I don't want to sit next to you currently." That was a bit harsh. "I need space to think about everything that's happened, and some distance would be healthy for us." I added on.

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