𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟎

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i wrote this at 4am, let's hope it makes sense.


November flew by and before I knew it, it was the beginning of December and one week until my birthday.

The weather was worsening, but on the bright side, I was finally going to be nineteen. There wasn't anything special to nineteen, same with all the other ages. It was just a reminder that I was closer to full adulthood which scared the heck out of me. I enjoyed being a carefree teenager.

But alas, everyone had to grow up eventually and this was only the beginning of it.

Today was Maikel, and Damian's, first big football match. They played a few other small ones, but this was the start of the playoffs, and if their team won; they were one step closer to the State championship.

Kai's been stressing about this match for a month, and if they lose he'll be gutted. Not that they will, however, their team was one of the best and part of the reason why Cleveland College was infamous.

"Damian's coming over in a bit, sis. We're leaving together." Maikel mumbled, his voice more tired than usual.

God, it's like that man lived here or something.

Not that I was complaining, he was a pretty sight my eyes wouldn't mind seeing. I haven't seen Damian that much, due to the fact that our assignment was now over. We received 91% which made my entire year. I put blood, sweat and tears into that project and was over the moon when I got my score.

"He should move in at this point." I joked.

Kai's eyebrows raised up, an idea entering his head. "Now that you think of it..."

"I was joking!" I burst. I couldn't ever imagine Damian moving in. Sure, our relationship has improved and he wasn't an eyesore to look at, but my schoolgirl crush wouldn't be able to handle his presence 24/7.

I would most likely be a blushing mess every second of the day and Maikel would be a fool if he doesn't recognize whatever's going on between me and him.

To Damian, I was probably just another girl that was fawning over him. He no doubt enjoyed toying with my feelings, but to me, it was different. Yes, I've only liked about three guys in my eighteen years of living, but I didn't need to be a crush expert to know what I felt for Damian was different.

Whenever he was near, it seemed like my breath was stolen away. Like time slowed and he was the only person in the room that mattered. Anyone from an outsider's perspective would be yanking their hair out of their scalp from confusion.

That man radiated everything the opposite from me. Pink painted and chipped nails. Floral and dull clothes. Soft and rough hands.

I guess the 'opposites attract' myth really was true, well, from my side anyway.

Maikel shook my shoulders roughly. "Carmen, you really need to fix your fucking daydreaming problem. It's like you're on cloud nine all the fucking time. What are you even thinking about in your head?"

Your best friend. I was tempted to say, but I held back my tongue.

"Oh..just you know. Exams. The usual." I drawled.

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