𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟐

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A large body covered mine, leaving me with hardly any space to breathe. On instinct, I reached my arms out to push them away but it was no use. I opened my eyes slowly and took in a deep breath since the huge force resting on my stomach basically cut off my oxygen supply.

I looked around the room, taking in my surroundings. Dark. Gray. Not mine.


Not mine?!

Panic shot through me as I fought to get up but couldn't from the weight on top. A groan escaped me as I tried harder to stand up. Instead, two firm hands made their way to the sides of my waist and grabbed onto the clothes skin, squeezing slightly. "Go back to bed, baby." A tired voice rumbled.

Baby? Who the heck calls their captive baby? And why did I just have best sleep of my life with them?

My eyes landed on a mop of almost black hair and it took me some time register who it was. Damian. I was in Damian's bed. I breathed out in relief, thankful that it was him and not some serial killer. I don't rememeber much from last night, just that he ran a bath for me and as soon as I was in his arms, I was asleep.

I loved every second of it.

"Damian." I whispered, adjusting my body so I could get more comfortable. Currently, his head was resting on my stomach as the rest of his body was intertwined with my legs. Don't get me wrong, the position was cute but not when you had a collge quarterback that was pure muscle lying on you.

He hummed, eyes still shut as his long and full eyelashes casted a shadow over the rest of his face. I tilted my head slightly to get a better angle of his face. Even in the morning there was not a single imperfection settled on his body. My gaze drifted to his upper back where a small brown mole was sitauted near his shoulders, surrounded by tattooes.

I snapped back to reality, realizing I was on the verge of drooling. "Damian." I pushed with my hips harder.

"It's too fucking early and I'm too fucking comfortable." He kissed my stomach and shut his eyes again, nestling his head further into my stomach. I managed to slip my arms out from under his hold and into his hair, my fingers playing and massaging with the mess.

"Damian, I mean it. You're crushing me, in a nice way." I didn't want to come off as rude, so I was sure to add in the last bit.

After some seocnds, he finally lifted himself off my body and inched upward to meet my face, his arms caging me in. "You're a deep sleeper." I laughed.

Damian looked over to the alarm clock and sighed. "It's eleven in the morning. What do you expect?"

I trailed my eyes down to his neck, where the silver chain he always wore was dangling from his skin and glistening occasionally where the light hit. My mouth watered just from the sight of him and it annoyed me. My feelings for this man were becoming too strong and I was afraid soon enough, I would...fall in love with him.

Was it too soon? It was January but I've known him since early August. Maybe I should Google it, later.

As if he read my thoughts, Damian lowered his head to my neck and ran his lips along the skin, creating goosebumps where his lips left a trail. Once he reached the underskin of my jaw, he placed a light kiss and continued repeating the action up and down my neck. I sighed into his hold, wrapping my legs around his waist and securing my arms around his neck.

"Did you have a nice sleep?" He asked, mumbling between his movements.

I nodded, already feeling myself begin to drift off again. "The best. Thank you for the bath as well."

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