𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕

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It was now Monday, meaning it had been two days since lunch with my friends. Two days since Adam had kissed me.

I haven't seen him since but still made sure to reply to his hundred messages so he wouldn't get worried about anything. The horrible kiss had put me off a little but when I got home I drew up a pros and cons list about Adam with Nila, and I'm focusing on the few positives.

He's smart.
He's got nice hair.
He's taller than me.

The pros list was small whilst the cons list was growing and Nila also told me to add 'small dick energy' to the cons list.

I would have to see him today and I pray that he doesn't try to kiss me again, because I don't want to have to touch his lips.

Today was also the day I had Accounting with Damian again, and after the last lesson, I am dreading it. He's annoying and after the stunt he pulled on Saturday, I refuse to talk to him and I will not give in no matter what.

I grabbed my books and shoved my bag in my locker, making my way to the class. The hall was busy and I tried my best not to get shoved around. Normally I would be with Nila and she would grab my hand and start shoving through the people, shouting at them.

I made it luckily, but breathless so I grabbed my inhaler and took a puff. I looked at the stairs and since my seat was right at the back, I knew I would be on the verge of collapsing so I kept my inhaler in my hand, and began climbing.

Once I had reached the top, my knees were wobbly so I took a couple more puffs out of my inhaler. I looked down and noticed Damian staring up at me, a huge smirk plastered on his face. He was early and in his seat, with his textbooks open.

"You're here early." I roll my eyes and move past him to reach my seat.

"I'm eager to learn, what can I say?" Damian's sarcasm annoys me.

I remind myself that I'm supposed to be ignoring him and already failing, so I get back on track. I sit down and open my textbooks to the right page, all whilst Damian stares at me from the side. I fight the urge to snap and tell him to look away, but I'm not backing down just yet.

"How was lunch with Adam?" He asks.

I continue pretending he isn't here and I can tell he's growing annoyed at that. Damian seemed like the type of person to have his way or the highway, so me refusing to entertain whatever this is, is definitely irritating him.


"You gonna give me the silent treatment now, sweetheart?" Damian leans forward and props his elbow up on the desk, resting his head on his hand and his upper body facing me.

I glare at him, then open up my laptop and set everything up. The Professor had now come into the room and everyone started to settle down slowly. Damian was still staring at me, not bothering to take notes but instead, he would rather study me.

"You can't ignore me forever, darling." Darling. Whenever he used that nickname on me, it made me flutter in my stomach and all of a sudden I forgot why I was even mad at him in the first place.

I was a pushover and I knew it, so it wouldn't take long for me to fold and forgive Damian even though he hasn't even bothered to apologize.

The Professor began reading out the lecture notes and I paid attention, whereas Damian was still fixated on me. His hand reached out to feel my black velvet scrunchie in my hair, wondering why the material was so silky. His brows scrunched up in confusion before returning to their natural state.

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