𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗

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Another name has been added to my hate list. Like I said, it was an extremely small list consisting of 3 people now, but ever since I met Carmen, two people have been added on in the span of just two months, my recent addition being Adam.

I was dangerously close to slamming his face into a locker in front of everyone, and beating him until I saw red. It was a little extreme even for me, but I can't find it in me to kill the urge. Fuck, I haven't even done anything with Carmen and I'm already fantasizing about beating guys up that dared going near her.

I needed to stop. She was Maikel's little sister and Maikel would kill me if he knew about the dreams I was having about her. I have no fucking clue as to why I was even thinking about her anyway, she was the opposite of my type. I liked experienced girls, Carmen would blush over any little thing. I couldn't stand emotional girls, whereas Carmen was easily the most sensitive person I knew. Heck, I didn't even go for fucking brunettes, and I was only seen with a blonde in my arms.

I didn't necessarily mean to call her a bitch yesterday, it just sort of came out. I came to the conclusion that if I treated her like how I treated everyone else, then I would stop thinking about her as often as I do.

It's not fucking working.

If anything it made me think about her more, a lot more than I should be. It was all getting a bit much, really. I just needed a good lay, and everything will be solved. Except, I can't fucking fuck anyone without thinking of Carmen, as proven with Sophie. Speaking of which, Sophie won't fucking leave my side and it was starting to piss me off. She thought that her head game was shit so every day she's been promising me that she would make it up to me. I've been ignoring her but now she could be of use to me. She could be a good distraction to me from Carmen so it could work.

I had no fucking clue as to how I was going to pretend Carmen didn't exist since I had to do a fucking assignment with her. I had mixed feelings about being Carmen's partner, a part of me was quite content with the fact that she would be stuck with me in an enclosed space for hours at a time so we could study, but then the other half of me was fucking pissed that I was going to be stuck with Carmen in an enclosed space for hours at a time.

I was always staring at her whenever she was across a fucking, but how would I fucking act when I was just a mere few meters away from her? I would go fucking insane.

That girl was so fucking oblivious to everything and everyone and it pissed me the fuck off. Like what happened yesterday at the lockers with that fucking Ryan kid, he was a hot mess and looked like he was about to burst into tears whilst he was asking for her number, however Carmen did nothing but smile up at him and be polite like the good girl she was. She didn't even fucking realize that the reason Ryan ran off so quickly was because I was death-staring him, warning him not to go near her.

It took the fucker about three milliseconds to realise who I was and he scurried off like the pussy he was. How dare he fucking come up to Carmen when I was clearly talking to her?

Even then, Carmen didn't notice it was me who made him run off, it's like she's in her own fucking world sometimes. Like I said, it pissed me off.

I ran my hand through my hair as I drove to campus, desperate to do anything to get my mind off Carmen Marquez. My phone rings and I look down to see who it is, only groaning when I see it was my slut of a stepmother. I had two options, either answer and get the two month check up phone done with, or I could not answer and have her scream at me when I next go to see her and my younger brother, Adonis.

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