𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐

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It was Carmen's date today and I was extremely pissed that it wasn't with me. Even more pissed that it was with Adam-the complete opposite of me. Is that what Carmen's type was? Nerdy book boys, that would probably trade their girl for a chess board.

If so then she needed better taste in men. Me.

Ever since the whole Sophie issue, I've not gone to see Maikel once outside of school which is a shock to both of us considering we were always together. I didn't have a genuine connection with a lot of people, but Maikel was one of those who I didn't mind being around. The only other two being my little brother, and my late father.

I couldn't see Maikel, because that meant also seeing Carmen. Even if I met Maikel some place that wasn't his apartment, Maikel and Carmen look the exact fucking same, which works out to be a fucking treat for me.

I really didn't want to fucking go over there but in order for me to find out where Carmen's date was, I had to. I pulled my phone out of my jeans pocket and sent a quick message to Maikel, letting him know I was coming over soon.

He was probably over the moon to hear that I'm coming over, the poor guy's probably missed me-I don't blame him, I am quite an enjoyable person to be around.

I left my regular attire as it is, a plain black hoodie with black jeans. Feeding Bruiser one last time, I left my apartment and headed for my Black Jeep.

As I was driving, I started to have a few guilty thoughts about stalking Carmen's date. It was a violation of her privacy and very wrong to do. If someone stalked me and what I was doing, they'd get a punch to the face, so if Carmen finds out I would be in deep shit. Maikel could possibly find out as well.

But then again, I didn't give two shits. I had an effect on Carmen, she knows it, I know it and hell, even a 5 year old would know it. I loved the power I held over her and she had no power whatsoever over me. It was great. Carmen would never be anything more to me than a fuck, probably a great fuck and as soon as that happens, I'd break all contact with her.

I was only following her on this date to make sure she was safe, nothing more. If Maikel found out, he might even be thankful for it. I also wanted to see if this attitude Carmen was giving me, she gave to anyone else. She never seemed to speak back to her friends, or her brother - yet for me, she had a million things to say. I found the whole thing amusing really, and sometimes I even look forward to her witty comebacks, even if it was going to get her in trouble one day.


I soon arrived at their apartment and strolled right in, my eyes immediately trying to meet Carmen's. I frowned slightly when she wasn't present in the room but brushed it off before Maikel could start questioning me.

"D, you finally came to see me, I was starting to think you had died or something." Maikel came up to me and we did our bro shake before letting go and walking to the lounge.

"Don't be dramatic Maikel. I saw you yesterday at training." I roll my eyes at Maikel's over dramaticness. I didn't know he missed me that much.

"That was all the way yesterday. And you haven't come to mine in a whole week." He starts fake pouting and I smack the back of his head.

"Stop pouting you bitch." I chuckle and sit down on the couch, leaning back and spreading my legs, and resting my arms behind me on the backrest, making myself at home. Maikel's apartment was basically a second home to me considering I'm always here and I know every inch of his apartment.

We spoke for a few minutes about football, and the most recent fight between two guys that were both dating the same girl. I did everything I could to stop myself from walking into Carmen's bedroom and telling her she couldn't go to this stupid date, the temptation was hard, but I was resisting.

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