𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟒

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"Y'all are nasty." Nila stood outside the porta potty, arms crossed and a questioning look on her face.

Carmen stood in front of me, removing her hand from my hold and stepping forward. "He was helping me fix my makeup, nothing else." We really needed to work on the lying.

She wasn't convinced, laughing slightly. "Then why is your lipgloss all smudged up? Maikel's gonna have a heart attack when he sees this."

"Shut up. Where's Nik?" I asked, hoping he had gotten the fuck out of here.

Nila looked to the now closed stall and shrugged. "Probably ran away from embarrassment after everyone started booing him off the stage. Apparently, some Med majors are saying he wasn't even a student, that's what I heard. Cammy, why do you always attract the weird ones?"

"I ask myself that everyday." She joked.

"Anyway, I'm off. Gonna go rinse my mouth ten times after those gross boys. Have fun, and don't end up with kids please, I don't feel like becoming an aunt at this period of time." Nila winked and walked off, soon finding Zane.

Carmen faced me, cheeks red from embarrassment and I took a closer look at her lips, smiling from the pretty impressive work I had done. "You got a little something there." I pointed to her lip.

She pushed my chest lightly, doing nothing to move my position. "Shut up, let's go get food, I'm hungry." Carmen began walking in front of me, and I followed after her, looking like her bitch even though I was towering over her height. I wasn't. Maybe.

We didn't make it far before a group of students stopped us, slapping my back and laughing. "Damian Galanis finally got a girl, who 'woulda thought?" Normally, I would've said something back to piss them off, but now my only thought was Carmen. I snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her body into mine, so she didn't get stressed out by all the people surrounding us.

"How's Maikel gonna react man? Considering you're banging his little sister." Someone sniggered.

"Ask him yourself." I led Carmen out of the crowd and toward the food stall, letting her order what she wanted and I placed my card on the counter.

"I can pay for myself, you know."

"I know." I clarified.

The woman handed a piping hot corn dog to Carmen and she thanked her, biting into the crispy food and pulling the cheese with her teeth. The action wasn't doing great for my memory as images came flooding in.

"We should probably go see Maikel." She said.

"Probably. Give me some time to prepare for when I get screamed at."

"He seems okay with it all."

I snorted, thinking of all the times he's damn near strangled me. "Should've seen him before, I had to keep 999 on standby."

"Maybe he's gotten over it by now."

"Gotten over what?" Speak of the fucking devil. Maikel strolled up to us, looking a bit too happy to see someone who's just fucked his sister. He stole Carmen's corn dog much to her protest and took a large bite, practically finishing the whole thing.

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