𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟑

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The overwhelming scent of sweet cotton candy and buttery popcorn floated around, with heart balloons tied on every corner, while little kids ran everywhere and college students walked with their date or friends. Eli grabbed my arm and pulled me closer in the mayhem, a mixtape of summer and romantic music playing. Considering it was mildly hot for a February, this wasn't bad.

I looked around, seeing numerous stalls and colorful rides scattered round the field. My anxiety slowly crept in from crowded places like these, but I forced it down. I was going to have fun and I wasn't going to let my inner conscience get in the way of that. A group of teenagers were huddled up near a certain stall propped up on a small stage and as we got nearer, Zane spoke.

"That's my mom's booth. Looks like it's doing well."

"What is it?" Adrian asked.

"A kissing booth. Don't ask why, it was my little sister's idea. She was on about something from a movie since my mom was stuck for ideas. It seems to be bringing in money for the charity though, so I doubt she's complaining. Speaking of which, Nila, your shift is in two hours."


She sighed. "I've been very kindly volunteered to be one of the girls that people kiss by Zane. How cute."

Eli looked back and forth between the stall and Nila's face, trying to put two and two together. "Problem?" Zane spoke.

"But, there's like, some little kids there. Isn't that pedophilia?" He cringed.

Zane scoffed and smacked Eli's head, rolling his eyes. "Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Sherlock. Unfortunately, nothing's going to stop those horny ten year olds dying for their first kiss. So, anyone under eighteen wanting to kiss an adult has to kiss their cheek. I'm not gonna stop the cash from rolling in." He threw his hands up defensively.

"I don't even know what to say to that." Adrian gasped.

"You're not supposed to say anything. Now, let's go on a few rides before you're all helping me out with stall duty. I'm not doing this by myself." Groans escaped from everyone's mouth when they heard the word 'help', but shushed when Zane turned back to stare at us.

Nila and I hung back behind the boys, letting them lead and us following since it was our first time at this fair and we weren't exactly sure how things worked in a busy place like these. Sure, Nila used to go to the fairs back in our hometown all the time, but it was a small village with a hundred or so people. Nothing like this.

She linked with my arm and quietly talked in my ear. "Hey, do you know what time your brother's coming?"

"I don't think he is coming at all. I never heard him mention it before I left to meet you guys." That was odd, Nila never used to care about what Kai was doing.

"Oh, okay." She sounded off, of some sorts.

I decided to pry further. "What makes you ask? Hasn't he been your 'sworn enemy' since you were five?" I used the name Nila wrote in her letter declaring her and Maikel were nemesis. She signed the contract and made him do it too, promising that they would never not hate each other.

"Nothing, I still do hate Maikel. I was just making sure I didn't run into him while I was here and deal with his annoying ass." She replied and I didn't second guess it. Sounds like something she would think about.

We arrived at a ride and because Zane was running a stall, we were able to cut the queue. The helper strapped on our seatbelts and soon enough, the ride started, leaving everyone a bunch of screaming messes.

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