𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟕

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visuals for carmen and nila's outfits^^^


Today was finally the day of the Halloween party we were going to. After Damian and Nila had left that day, Kai told me that both him and Damian were also attending. Just great. I wasn't feeling this party at all, considering what happened last time I went to a party but I wasn't going to spoil everyone's fun, and be a buzz-kill.

I wasn't drinking though, no more alcohol for me for another three years. I could have fun sober.

Adam wasn't coming, something about not being invited or whatever, I didn't pay much attention to him. As time's gone on, I found myself drifting from Adam. His presence is boring and I would rather watch paint dry than have a long conversation with him. Instead of trying to convince myself to stop liking him, I was convincing myself to like him.

I think Damian's put some sort of hex on me. Why else would I be thinking about him every breathing second? He was everywhere, whenever I looked at my neck I could almost feel his soft lips closing on the skin, looking at my hip, images of him kneading the skin came flooding in.

Safe to say I hated it.

He's a wizard. Under that hard exterior of good looks, glares, and moodiness, he must have about three hundred potions running through his body. I doubt I'm even the first girl he's performed this magic spell on, and it irritates me more than it should.

I wanted to be the only girl he thought about, the only girl he wanted to touch. I never thought I'd see the day I craved a man's validation, that role was filled for my academia. But here I was, wanting to be the only person clouding his thoughts and everything else.

"Carmen! Come help me now!" A faint feminine voice called out from outside of my bedroom door.

Crap. I forgot Nila was coming over to get ready with me.

Scrambling off my bed, I zoomed to the front door to see Nila struggling to carry about three bags. Immediately, I rushed to her side and grabbed two off of her. "Why are you carrying so many bags, and why are they so heavy?" I asked, the heavy weight bringing my body down.

"The costumes, idiot." Nila groaned, rushing to my bedroom and dumping the bags on the bed. Nila decided to order the costumes to her dorm so she could bring them here, but now that I'm thinking of it, ordering the costumes here would have been a lot easier.

"Oh right." I mumbled, dropping down on the bed. As much as I didn't want to go to this stupid party, the outfits were really pretty and I'd hate to let such a nice costume go to waste.

I watched as Nila zipped open a bag and dumped out all the contents onto the bed, White and black rogue feathers floated around the room before landing softly on the floor. The wings were a lot bigger than I had imagined.

"We're gonna look so hot, you don't understand." Nila jumped on the bed next to me and started organizing the costumes in order while I watched her.

"What's the plan for hair?" I asked. Looking over to my best friend, she had recently re-done her hair and was now in goddess braids, with a few curly hairs left out and a few pieces of gold jewellery scattered on some braids. She looked beautiful.

"Well, I might put my hair in a half-up half-down, and I think you should straighten it. Like pin straight." Nila advised and I nodded my head. Whenever it came to things like this, I always listened to Nila. She was the expert in this field and her judgment was best.

"Okay! Let's get ready." She clapped her hands together excitedly and I smiled at her enthusiasm.


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