𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟔

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I slammed my body onto the bed, spreading my arms and legs into an eagle-like position. I can't do this.

Accounting was going to be the death of me.

"I'm going out." Maikel barged in and I noticed the lack of stubble on his face.


"Beach with friends." He spoke and I took a quick glance at his attire. Not something you would wear to the beach.

"Really? Wearing that?" Guess I wasn't the only crap liar in the family.

He faltered, looking down at his outfit. "I've obviously got my shorts underneath, Carmen. Jeez, I'm not gonna strip for my sister if that's what you're hinting at. Stop being such a creep. 'Kay, bye." Kai practically ran out of the room, not letting me speak.

"What a weirdo." I mumbled, burying my head in the textbooks again.

Not even five minutes went by before I got stuck on another question and I officially gave up, shutting all of my books and resisting the strong temptation to rip them all apart.

I grabbed my phone and messaged the first person I thought of.

Me: are you free??

Stalker: For you, yes.

Me: come round

Stalker: I'll be there in half an hour.

Wasting no time, I dropped my phone and clothes and scrambled into the shower; turning the dial so it would stream burning hot water. Half an hour was enough time to have a shower, right?

My hair was tangled and curly, but he wouldn't mind that I assume. I needed to prioritise here. Grabbing the loofah and strawberry body wash I know he likes, I lathered it all over my body- scrubbing so hard my skin began to form red blotches.

I repeated it once more to make sure I was extra clean then grabbed my razor, generally shaving over any areas that I might have missed the last time.

Somewhere along the line, my limit of fifteen minutes turned into forty five minutes and Damian had been chucked out of the window until I heard movement outside the bathroom, my pulse now racing. I turned the dial down, wrapping a fresh towel around my body and unlocking the door, peeping my head out.

Damian lied on my bed, on his phone as he used his spare hand to block the sunlight from ruining his vision. "You scared me." I gasped, closing the curtains.

"Who else would be in your fucking room?" He pointed out the obvious, staring at the big wolf I named Husky. "And why is it staring at me?"

"It has a name. He's called Husky. And I didn't think you would just walk in without telling me." I got a pair of sweats and one of Damian's shirts out from the drawer.

"You were taking too long. Then I remembered I had a key."

"I really need to take that off you. Now, close your eyes while I change."

Damian raised a brow. "You're shitting me, right?"

"No." Did he not hear what I said? "I'm being serious."

He sat up straight, clearing his throat. "You're telling me." He paused. "That I have to close my eyes."

"Yes." I nodded.

"You weird me out sometimes." I grabbed a pillow from my desk chair and lodged it at him, hitting his head. "Ow, okay! I'm closing them."

"Good." I smiled and turned round, about to drop my towel when a sliver of doubt kicked in. "Maybe I should change in the bathroom." It's not that I didn't want him to see me, I wasn't exactly sure what it was. Maybe, I was just afraid of it being awkward between us. I mean, him watching me change in silence wasn't really the best situation.

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