𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟏

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"I'm not scared of you."

"I never said you were." I shrugged.

"You don't faze me."

"I never said I did." I spoke, rolling my eyes at this pathetic conversation. I didn't come here to go back and forth over who was more dominant. The answer was obvious, me.

But aside from that, I'd been sitting here for the past fifteen minutes doing fuck all, wanting nothing more than to stab each inidiviual vein of mine. That would be less painful than whatever this was. People piss me off.

"So why the fuck have you brought me here?"

"Isn't it obvious? You're studying Medicine and you can't put two and two together. I feel sorry in advance whoever gets unlucky and has you as their Doctor." My eye twitched in frustration and I cracked my knuckles, ignoring the large gulp in his throat after watching me.

So, I did faze him after all.

"Oh, it's about Carmen." Nik realized, nodding slowly. We were currently standing across each other in the boys locker room, having a nice fucking discussion. He was quite a special human being, to say the least.

I folded my arms across my chest, leaning further against the lockers. "No shit sherlock. How come I've never heard of you until now?"

He scoffed. "Maybe because we're in different years? You're a junior whereas I'm a freshman."

"I still have a rough idea of who's who. Are you in a frat?"

"No. And I know all about you, and your friend." He responded.

My brows furrowed. What a fucking stalker. "Maikel?" I swear I could overhear Carmen telling Maikel that Nik didn't know who we were.

"Yeah, your little boyfriend. Everyone knows who you are and what you're like." He snarled.

Amusement washed over me. "And what are we like, exactly?"

Nik didn't hesitate, and began rambling off on a description of us. "Rich, entitled kids that have nothing better to do than act like they own the school and use daddy's money."

The first part could be interpreted as true depending on who you ask, but the mention of my father suddenly had my blood boiling. He had no business speaking of him. I pushed off the lockers and stalked over to Nik, grabbing the collars of his T-shirt and tightening my fist around the cotton. His face quickly turned red from the pressure and his feet were damn near to lifting off the floor.

I really don't like him now.

"You're gonna delete Carmen's number off your shitty phone."

He struggled to speak. "It's a-an Apple iPhone 12-"

"I don't give a shit. You're gonna do that and stay the fuck away from Carmen and her friends. Pick some other girl to flirt with, because this one's taken, fortunately." My chain rattled against my collarbone as my breath got heavier and I was closer to losing my composure, which was something that happened a lot when it involved Carmen.

Nik pushed his hand against mine in an attempt to pry me off, but I was stronger than him. "You're not even dating." He rasped.

"It's none of your business what we are considering you only met fucking yesterday. But she isn't yours to have. I'm being nice with you only because you look like you're about to shit your pants. But next time, I can't guarantee that." I'd already beaten two guys to a pulp over Carmen, and I wasn't trying to make it three.

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