𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟗

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"I can't do this." Even after multiple somewhat successful driving lessons in Damian's huge Jeep, my skills were still sloppy. I don't know what Maikel was thinking about booking a test for three weeks. It took me about one to get the car started up without freaking out.

Damina took my clammy hand in his and ignored the uncomfortable heat radiating off my skin. "You're gonna step inside that center and ace the test." Still, his reassuring words did no good to help my cause.

"How do you know that?"

"Because you're my girlfriend." I rolled my eyes at his attempt to cheer me up. Over the short period of time, Damian had quickly adapted to our new relationship status, finding any excuse to sneak the word in. I shouldn't be surprised that he went on my phone when I was showering and changed my name to 'boyfriend'. I quickly added the stalker bit back on at the end after I noticed.

"That makes no sense." If anything, I feel more pressure to do well now. I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of the man that I love and fail. What if he thought I was stupid or something?

"Stop overthinking." He snapped his fingers in my face to help restrain me from staring off into space. "And my logic adds up. I'm amazing at driving which is a given. And my dick has been inside of you so my talent's been passed on-"

I slapped my hand over his mouth and winced. "Okay, I think I got the message. Great pep talk."

"Anytime." He chuckled and checked the time. "As much as I love spending time with you, your test is in five minutes. If you're late, you'll somehow manage to blame it on me and I don't want that."

Groaning, I grabbed my filled in paperwork and undid my seatbelt. Damian leaned over and planted a kiss on my lips. "When I fail, I'm killing Maike;."

"You got this, baby!" Damian shouted from the car as I walked further away. Stepping inside the driving center, my nerves intensified when I saw the stern looking lady standing by the desk, seeming impatient. She held a clipboard in one hand and a phone in the other as she adjusted her cat eyed glasses so she was most definitely an instructor.

Maybe she wasn't mine?

Except, she was. There was no one else in the center except for me, the receptionist and the lady. Just freaking great. The one day I decided to get my permit, no one else wanted to. I slowly padded to the woman in the bright red blazer and smiled weakly, rocking back and forth on my feet.

"Carmen Marquez?" She gave my pink outfit a look of distaste and maybe before it would have knocked my confidence, but now I didn't really care. Damian liked it and that was all that mattered.

"The one and only." I cracked a small joke to ease the tension between a teenager and a forty year old.

She snatched the paperwork from my hands and shoved it onto the desk behind us, spinning round on her black high heels making sure to smack my face with her hair in the process. "You're late."

"Oh, I'm sorry." I was actually early by a minute but the woman intimidated me. It was best I kept my mouth shut.


My fingers rubbed against the smooth leather of the steering wheel while she assessed my driving based on the checkboxes on her clipboard, I had poorly attempted to subtle glance over a few times but it backfired miserably, and all I got in return were Medusa-like glares.

I think I did well enough to pass, I think. Granted, I did almost lose control of the wheel once or twice and maybe almost forgot to indicate before turning, but on the whole, it was pretty easy.

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