𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟖

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"I'm sorry about what I said to you the other day. You were right, and I shouldn't have gotten angry at you." I apologized, twisting from my position in my bed to meet Nila. We were currently having a sad movie marathon with tissues and popcorn. And a lot of crying. The Notebook was currently playing.

She sighed, stroking her hand on my head to tame the flyaways from my loose bun. "It's fine, I shouldn't have said anything anyway. I only put bad thoughts into your head and it was wrong of me."

"But you were right about him." I frowned, sniffling to keep the tears away.

"It was a lucky coincidence. At least, now we know the real Damian."

Maikel came back from Damian's the other day and told me everything, why he did what he did and what would've happened if he never did. As mad as I am at Damian, he had the right intentions-even if he doesn't want to speak to me anymore. Which he made pretty clear. "But he did it to protect me-"

She cut me off. "Even if he wanted to protect you, there were other ways of going about it. You can't justify his wrong actions because you're in love with him. Besides, he acted like a complete douche about it to Maikel after, claiming he cared about you and you were just a distraction for him."

The same time Nila finished her sentence, my phone buzzed from under my pillow. We had agreed to a 'no-phone' rule, but that was mainly for Nila. I adjusted my back to reach the phone and turned it on. Damian. I thought he wanted nothing to do with me?

"He messaged me." I said, sweat forming on my palms and the comforter suddenly becoming too heavy for me. Nila nudged me to open the message and I did, reading it out loud.

damian: I'm sorry.

damian: Please, can we talk?

My fingers hovered over the keypad as my brain faltered, trying to come up with a suitable response. What was I supposed to say to that? I wanted nothing more than to forgive Damian and fall asleep in his arms again, but I was done with being a pushover. I wasn't going to let people walk all over me anymore. Out of everyone, Damian should understand that the most. "Answer for me." I pushed the phone into Nila's hand.

"You're sure?"

"Yeah, I'm not going to fall for his tricks again. I'm done with Damian." Bile piled up in my stomach but I forced it down, standing by my words. My bottom lip wobbled and I wanted to take the disgusting words back, but it was too late. What was done was done, and me and him were over.

She studied me closely for a second, but gave in and typed away a response before handing the phone back to me.

Me: fuck off you dickhead

Me: i don't want anything to do with you

"Really? You could've at least tried to make it sound like me." I breathed out, shaking my head at her.

"What?" She arched a brow. "This will send the message loud and clear, which is what we want, right?"


Less than a minute later, he replied.

damian: Nila, give the fucking phone to Carmen.

My shoulders slumped from the text that showed he knew me better than I thought, but I needed to stay strong. I wasn't giving in.

Me: i don't want to talk to you

Me: leave me alone

Me: please

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