𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟐

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"Come on, please." Nila begged me using her best puppy dog eyes and pout, walking round my front and tugging on my hands.

I didn't resist, letting my hands shake with hers. "I don't know, the more I think about it, the less of a good idea it seems."

"But you were so up for it a few days ago, what changed?" She asked.

"I have too much homework." I lied, facing away from her eyes because she could always tell when I wasn't speaking the truth.

Nila's face twirled in repulsion. "But..it's a fair. You're really going going to miss out on going to your first fair for...homework?"

"When you put it like that, then it does sound a bit silly. But, I've got too much of it." Also another lie, I'm always caught up on my homework. I just don't feel like going to a fair on Valentines Day where the place is going to be surrounded by happy lovey-dovey couples. Normally, I would smile at cute moments like that; but now- I hate it.

She groaned, looking up to the ceiling and shutting her eyes. "You can't leave me alone with Zane, Eli and Adrian for more than two hours by myself. They have half a brain cell combined."

I snorted, amused at the insult for our friends. "With you with them, they'll have more. See? It won't be too bad."

"But, you can be my date for the fair, we're both single, so it makes sense. Even though you're not really single."

"Shut up."

"Fine, forget Damian. How's Nik?"

"Gone." I said.

"What? Where?"

"I don't know. He's just disappeared. I haven't seen him on campus and I think he blocked my number." When I finally thought I met a nice guy, it turns out I was extremely wrong.

She hummed, deep in thought. "Well, maybe, you'll see him at the fair."

"I'm not going to the fair."

"But you've never been to one, before."


Nila was too stubborn for this and I knew she wouldn't give up. "I'll keep begging until you say yes."

Did I have the time and energy to argue with Nila? Short answer, no. Nila could answer with an ant if she wanted to. I pray for whoever ends up falling in love with her.

So, to make her happy, I agreed. "Fine. I'll come. But only for a bit."

Her eyes lit up and she squealed, jumping and hugging me. "I love you, I love you, I love you!" Nila kissed my cheek repeatedly but I pushed her off when I noticed a couple of students staring at us like we were psychos.

"Yeah, love you too. I've gotta go to my next class so I'll see you later."


"Haven't seen you in a while, Carmen." A deep voice rumbled, forcing my head to look up.

A recognizable eyebrow piercing stared straight into my eyes, with alluring green eyes doing the same. Nik stood before me as I walked out of the classroom, with a cheesy smile plastered onto his face.

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