𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟗

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i attached a song, you can listen to it from the start of the chapter or i'll put in a little extra bit to say when to play it.


"We've finally finished our project." My happiness was through the roof right now, partly because I don't have to stay up into the early hours of the morning researching for this stupid assignment, but also because of the partly grumpy man I've been seeing all the time recently.

"You're a smart girl." Damian looked up from his laptop and his expression slightly softened once his eyes landed on my face. I had to force the blush from appearing due to his praise.

"I think we make a good team." I was trying to downplay the compliment, because I don't think it was deserved. Yes, we finished quicker than most people in our class but that was just because we worked well together.

"Don't put yourself down, you're smart and you know it." He responded, shutting his laptop and leaning further back in his chair.

I guess I could take the compliment. "I suppose," Checking the time, I noticed that we finished a lot quicker than how long I was supposed to be staying for. "Should I go? There's not really a need for me to be here anymore."

Glancing down to his lips, I couldn't help but think about the other night, at the party. Damian made me see stars I didn't even know were possible to see. At first it was a little weird, feeling his tongue and lips down there, but after a while, I relaxed and the process became much more pleasurable.

It was wrong to do that whilst my brother was standing right outside. I knew it, he knew it. But it's Damian we're talking about, I was foolish for thinking he'd let that stop him. Damian seemed like he was enjoying it more than me- with the groans he would let out every few seconds and the way he took his time devouring me, like we were the only people in the world.

As much as I hated to say it, I was catching feelings for the guy. I'm starting to dislike myself for it. With the way he treats everyone around him, I should be running the other way as fast as I can. He was the opposite of me in every way, I would smile-he would scowl. I would worry for everyone-he only cares for himself. I was sweet-he was harsh.

We wouldn't match at all, and eventually clash, but that didn't stop me. The heart wants what it wants. And mine just happened to be the moodiest man alive. At least he treats me a little nicer than most people. But that's probably just because my brother happens to be his best friend.

"...Carmen? Did you hear me?" Damian's voice snaps me out of my daydreaming state. I really need to fix that habit.

"Huh?" I asked, dumbfounded.

Despite my suspicions, Damian didn't come across annoyed or impatient with my cluelessness. In fact, he didn't seem to care as I looked for any signs of irritation. "I said you don't have to leave."

"What?" I choked, taken aback by his words. He actually didn't mind me staying? Is this the right Damian I'm talking to? If we had this exact conversation a month ago, he would most likely laugh in my face and tell me to 'get the fuck out' or something like that.

"You can stay." Damian repeated. "That is if you want."

I nodded slowly, processing his words. It was only two in the afternoon and I had nothing better to do all day. Nila and Maikel were both busy so it was either hang out with Damian or go home and do some homework.

"You promise not to kill me?" I joked.

"I can try." Damian joked back, and despite knowing it was a joke, something alerted me he had the capability to do it. "You don't have to stay if you don't want to." He added on quickly.

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