𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟖

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it's a long one


The frat house was close to shaking with the amount of people crowded in one space. The smell of alcohol, sex and perfume lingered in the air whilst some random fucking song blasted in the background.

Everyone was dressed in either absolutely nothing with only the most intimate parts being covered, or slutty halloween costumes. Normally, I would thrive in an environment like this-as much as I hate parties. Nights like these consisted of an endless supply of girls throwing themselves at you and I would almost always leave with a girl by my side.

But, that all seemed to be blurred tonight. All of my attention was fixated on a girl walking in front of me, oblivious to everything. Unknowing to the numerous catcalls her and Nila were receiving from all over the hallway. Nila, however, noticed and instead of getting angry or some shit, she blew a kiss at them.

"Typical, Nila." Maikel muttered, beside me, shaking his head and trying his best not to smile.

My eyes narrowed at his somewhat warm expression toward the girl he 'claimed' to hate. We were walking behind the girls, towering over them. Maikel was scoping out the area, and his potential lay for the night whereas I couldn't give two shits about the girls checking us out. My gaze was completely on Carmen and I had no shame about it.

She looked jaw-dropping tonight and it made me want to smash any guy's head into the wall if they dared to look at her in the wrong way.

Three boys were checking the girls out by the entrance to the kitchen. I focused on them, trying to figure out who they were. No one I know. Must be from another college.

As we neared closed, they gave each other a look and moved away from the wall, walking over to Nila and Carmen. Not fucking today. The boys were laughing with each other, probably making some fucking joke about how they're gonna fuck a girl tonight, but once one of them trailed their eyes upward to me and Maikel, they panicked. We were both taller than the trio of boys by a lot, and I'm guessing they knew who we were judging by his expression, so they knew better than to walk up to us.

The boy tapped his friends shoulders and all at once, they turned to look up at us. My jaw tightened, eyes narrowed and I folded my arms over my chest; flexing my biceps. One of the guy's switched to look at Maikel who equally looked as intimidating, so they all backed off to the wall they fucking came from.

"Fucking pussies." Maikel snorted, looking down at his 'kiss-marks' on his collarbone.

"Who even did that to you?" I pointed at the lip stains.

"Some chick. I asked her to and she pulled out her lipstick before I even finished my sentence." He laughed, and I rolled my eyes at my best-friend.

I'm convinced he's more of a slut than I am.

We finally reached the kitchen, which was brighter than the LED lit hallway and the crowd of people wasn't as intense. A group of boys were huddled around the island mixing all sorts of drinks that practically screamed liver illness, and by the excitement coming over Nila and Carmen's faces, I'm guessing it was their little friend group. Zane, or Zed, was amongst the boys and I made sure to keep an extra eye on him.

I had done a little bit of research on him via social media, and after a long hour of extensive looking into, I deemed him as harmless and Carmen and his friendship was only platonic. I still hated the guy though.

"Cammy! Nila! You're here!" Did Zane just fucking..squeal? I watched as he pushed past the other two boys, Eli and Adrian I'm assuming, and ran over to the two girls, his drink sloshing out of the cup. He greeted them in a long hug and shoved a plastic cup into Nila's hand.

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