𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟔

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I'm high. Is this what being high feels like?

I made a mental note to ask Nila.

I think I've been high for a week. Ever since the thing with Damian. I read in an article a couple months back that being high makes you happy, so this must be the answer to my recent good mood. Despite all the school stress, and trying to not forget about Adam, I've still been in an exceptionally upbeat mood. So, the only way to explain it, is that I'm high.

I'm not entirely sure from what, however. But the only explanation could be from Damian. Can a person make you high? Maybe. That could be a possibility.

I haven't seen him since he helped me have an orgasm the other day, and as much as I hate to admit it, I sort of miss seeing his face. Don't get me wrong, he is one of the most insufferable and annoying people I have ever met, but despite his grumpy moods and rude comments, he could be tolerable at times. I could even go as far as calling him nice, but I won't go there.

I tried doing the same thing Damian helped me with when I went round his house, but nothing happened. My fingers felt good I guess but I didn't feel the same amount of ecstasy as I did with Damian, so after a long hour of trying to make myself finish, I gave up.

Today Nila was coming round for us to have a 'catch-up' because we haven't seen each other out of school for what seems like forever. Halloween was also coming up in a couple of days, and Nila's been trying to convince me to go to some party a frat is throwing.

Truthfully, after the last party I went to, I don't even want to be within a five-mile radius of a party. The only good thing that came out of that party was meeting Adam, I think.

I'm not exactly sure where me and Adam stand right now. In school, we'll talk and he'll kiss me on my cheek or something, but nothing too extra. One turn off though, he's petrified of my brother. I'm pretty sure Adam doesn't know Maikel is my brother, since he's never brought the topic up, but whenever Kai's near him, I notice Adam tensing up and his expression completely changing.

Having said that, his mood change is kind of justified. My brother was a well-known guy on campus, and everyone seemed to be aware of his presence, him and Damian. Girls would throw themselves at them and guys would hate the pair out of jealousy. As much as I loved my brother, I'll admit there wasn't really anything special about him- he was just like every other guy in college.

Co-captain on the football team, tall, and can charm a girl within three minutes. Sure, he may be outgoing, flirtatious and knows the bare minimum of respecting a girl, but other than that, there was nothing that differentiated him from everyone else. Kai only came off as 'scary' because he and Damian drew attention everywhere they went.

Despite all of that, he was my brother so I'll support him and all his boringness.


My phone buzzing pulled me out of my thinking time, leaving me annoyed. Lying on my bed, and letting my mind wander off to all sorts of places was the highlight of my week, and I made sure no one disturbed me. But nonetheless, it was Nila, and she could never make me annoyed.

Me: coming

Pushing myself off the bed, I opened my bedroom door and made my way to the front door, ignoring Kai in the kitchen all sweaty and shirtless from working out, yet again. As soon as I opened the front door, Nila pounced on me like a rabid animal.

"Cammy! I missed you!" We ended up falling to the ground from the impact, and I landed butt first, due to breaking Nila's fall for her.

"I missed you too. But please, get off me. My butt's sore." I groaned, rubbing the now probably red area. Nila got off immediately, straightening her back and cracking her neck. She was dressed in a sweatshirt and leggings, her hair shiny and wavy, from which I was assuming it was a sew in. When me and Nila first became friends, she talked me through all the hairstyles and what they looked like. I even sometimes braid her hair for her.

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