𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟔

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The front door shut after Rose and Adonis left and Damian turned to me, eyes narrowed as he leant on the doorframe.

"Your brother's nice." I rocked back on my heel, wanting to make small talk so we could avoid the elephant in the room-Rose. I don't know what the dynamic between them is but I know that it wasn't healthy.

"Hm. You two got along well a bit too much for my liking." He grumbled, pushing off the wall and making his way down the hallway.

I followed after him. "What do you mean?"

"You gave him your number."

A little laugh escaped me as I put the pieces together. "There's no way this is happening right now." I couldn't believe it, Damian was jealous? Over his brother?

Damian stopped before his bedroom door and turned around with the frown on his face more apparent now. "What?"

My amusement was through the roof and I was definitely going to hold this against him for the rest of his life. "You're...jealous over your ten year old brother." I stated, smiling at him.

"No, I'm not."

"Yes you are. Why else would you bring it up?" I inched closer to him, craning my head forward to meet his eyes. I had no idea where this wave of confidence was coming from, but I began to think being around Damian was rubbing off on me.

He placed his hands on my hips, tipping my head up close with his fingers and completely dodged my question."If any other guy asked you for his number, would you give it?"

I chewed on the inside of my lip, thinking. I already knew my answer but I wanted to make it seem like I was doubting myself. His hold on my hip rose higher to the curve of my waist and it tightened, his action urging me to answer. "No." I breathed out, noticing the satisfaction running through him. "What about you?"

My stomach twisted in anticipation as I waited for his answer. I had a feeling his response would hurt me but I desperately tried to ignore the upcoming sadness. Damian was the type of guy to not do commitment and sure as heck wouldn't do what a woman asked of him, so I knew better.

"Ever since I met you, any other person has been incomparable. So what do you think, angel?" He whispered, the answer sending shock in my body. He seriously thought I was that special? To the point where no other girl compared?

I looked down trying to hide my blush but it didn't work when I heard him chuckle under his breath. Way to ruin a moment, I rolled my eyes. Damian took his hands off my waist, much to my disappointment, and opened his bedroom door; stepping in.

I walked in as well, jumping when I saw a huge dark animal growling at me. "Ah!" Nearly tripping over, it took me a few seconds to stabilize myself after the jumpscare. The dog was still scowling at me with a few drops of drool dripping out of its mouth and the spiked collar shining in the light. "You." I pointed at Damian. "Have a dog?" I pointed at the dog.

"Did I not tell you?" He made his way over to the bed and fell down onto it, leaning against the headboard and watching me carefully.

"No, all the time I've been here, I've not once seen or heard a dog." The dog growled even more at me, walking closer as I took a few steps away-side eyeing it.

"Bruiser's anti-social. He doesn't get along with most people so whenever someone comes round, I keep him in a room till they've left." He explained, putting his chain back on his neck.

Like you then? I held off on letting the remark slip from my tongue, simply because I didn't want him to catch an attitude and the day be ruined. Instead, I made my way over to the bed and sat down next to him, crossing my legs.

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