𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟕

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The restaurant was cute, with warm lighting, hanging lights and cherry blossom trees in each corner. I had high hopes for the pizza. Nila was beside me while the boys were behind as we walked to our table. To say the car journey was a mess would be an understatement. The entire time was spent with Nila and Kai's incessant bickering about the most random topics. Maikel would put a song on, Nila would change it. Nila would open the window, Maikel would close it. It was starting to get too much for me to handle.

Our reserved table came into view and we slid into our seats, myself and Nila taking the booth side and Maikel and Damian taking the chairs, Damian sitting opposite me. I tensed as he relaxed himself, straightening his legs resulting in them touching mine. We were so close it made me want to cry.

I thanked the waitress as I took the menus on behalf of everyone and laid them out neatly, leaving one for myself. "The menu looks good."

"It better be considering how popular this place is." Nila grumbled, taking her leather jacket off and resting against the booth's headrest.

"You can't even eat anything, you're fucking gluten intolerant or some shit like that." Kai replied.

She scoffed, cocking her head. "I'm actually lactose intolerant, thank you very much. Although you would know that if you maybe pulled your head out of your ass and took notice of other people's lives, not just your own."

Maikel went to argue back but I stopped them both. "Guys!" My voice came out louder than I intended to and some people turned round to look. Lowering my tone, I continued. "Please, keep it civil for one dinner. Just one. That's all I'm asking."

They both eyed me wearily and for a second, I thought they wouldn't agree.

"Fine, but only because you asked." Nila accepted and sighed. Her lack of enthusiasm wasn't convincing me but it will have to do.

Her phone buzzed on the table and a certain name that propped up on her screen caught my eye. I tapped her phone screen and read the ID in my head. Brian.

Brian: am I seeing you 2night?

I turned to Nila and shoved the phone in her face, raising my brows. "Brian, huh?" My teasing was quiet so no one could hear us, specifically the two large men sitting across the table.

Her face turned red slightly and she snatched the phone out of my hand. "He won't leave me alone. We had 'almost' sex once and now he's got it in his head that we're dating or something. Some men just never learn."

I furrowed my brows. "'Almost sex'?"

"You know, all the foreplay before. The thing you do before actually having sex."

"So does like, fingering count?" I asked, curious and wanting to know more about the topic. Our heads were still turned away from everybody and we were whispering but I was nervous that someone might hear.


So Damian and me had foreplay. Or did foreplay. "What about...eating someone down there?"

She narrowed her eyes as if she was catching on to all the things I've done, but she didn't deny me the answers. "Like eating someone out? Yeah, that counts. So does head, grinding on someone, handjobs. It all counts. Sometimes foreplay isn't even as physical as that. It all depends-"

"What the fuck. Are you guys talking about?" Our conversation came to a halt when Maikel spoke up, a look of disgust washed over his face.

My eyes widened and I heard Nila gasp from being caught out. Crap. How was I going to explain to my brother and his best friend that we were talking about foreplay?

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