𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟏

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It was one comment. One stupid comment that would probably cost me the rest of the entire fucking season. But see if I fucking care.

My right fist swung and connected with his ugly fucking jaw, some blood spluttering out as the guy fell to the ground on impact. The crowd cheered me on, most likely because they wanted to see a fight. I was in a good mood today but this idiot had gone and removed all patience from my body.

The dickhead pushed against me, scrambling to get up and on instinct, I hovered over him trying to throw as many hits as I could. My teammates screamed my name, telling me to stop but I couldn't give two shits right now.

It's been a while since I had a good fight and this is exactly what I needed.

My head reared back once he had the opportunity to get in a hit on me, but the fucker only punched the side of my head so I got off lucky. Him, however, not so much. I didn't stop. Not when he was spitting on me, not when he was trying to scratch my eyes and not when he was screaming for me to let go.

My hand tightened on his football shirt, and I aimed for the nose this time, beating his face until a crimson liquid coated his skin.

It wasn't until Maikel and my Coach pulled me off the fucker that I stopped. I fought Maikel's arms as he attempted to drag me away but I ended up giving up when the referee stepped in. "Boos' filled the crowd when the fight between me and the guy was over but some teammates were still pushing against each other.

"Say some stupid shit like that again and you won't be let off so lucky next time." I spat at the patch of ground next to the idiot while he was crying out in pain.

"Galanis, can't you control your fucking anger issues for at least a month? Goddammit." My Coach's New Yorker accent came out at the end of the sentence and I knew he was mad. "Get intisde the fucking locker room while I sort this shit out."

I complied, not refusing and began my walk. Maikel jogged up to me, slapping me on the back of my head. "What the hell, man? What the fuck was that for?"

"Fuck off, Maikel." Mumbling, my knuckles throbbed and when I looked down, red patches were plastered all over my hand. That was going to fucking bruise.

I forbid myself to look up at Carmen, considering she was the whole reason I got myself into this mess. I had a feeling she would be acting frantic right now, and if she saw me after the match a million questions would be coming my way.

This girl was turning my whole fucking life upside down.

Once I reached the locker room, I slumped down against the bench and looked up, throat dry as fuck and my breath running out. The idiot gave it to me easy which was extremely fucking boring, I was expecting him to fight back a little more or some shit-he was practically begging me to beat him up or something.

People are no fun nowadays.

Flashbacks a couple minutes before the fight flooded my mind, and my pulse started to race again just from the fucking memory of it.

"Hey man, I saw you looking back loads at a certain girl sitting on the bleachers. She's a pretty sight, I'll tell you that." I turned around to find a guy from the other team behind me, separated from the rest of his team. It was fucking halftime, why the fuck was he here?

My blood boiled at the mention of Carmen, and this guy looked like a fucking weirdo. I had two options here; go batshit crazy at him, or act nonchalant and have no clue what he's on about. I chose the latter.

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