49 - Close Encounter

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Rebecca's POV

You've got to be kidding me....

I slowed down as I pulled over to the side of the road, the cop car following in pursuit. My heart was racing and all I wanted was to speed off but I knew I had to be calm and calculated. I looked over at Kimberly and repositioned her to look like she was sleeping in a more natural position.
I almost forgot the ski masks we had on. I took those off, grabbed her phone and threw them under her seat. In case things went south, my gun was in the glove compartment and I was ready for anything.

As the cop approached me, my grip on the steering wheel tightened until my knuckles lost color. I rolled down my window and put on my best fake smile.

"Good evening officer, what seems to be the problem?"

"Hey how ya doing? I saw you were just on the phone and going over the speed limit back there by quite a lot, just checking if everything's okay."

"Oh I apologize for that, just trying to get my sister and I home, she's had a rough day."

The officer bent down a bit to peek into the car. I took a deep breath to not make any rash decisions.

"Alright that's fine I'm just gonna need to see some license and registration."

I sighed and hoped he would not see my gun as I reached for my paper work.

"What's wrong with uhh you said your sister right?"
I got my registration and handed it over, clenching my jaw. "She just partied too hard way earlier in the day and is tired now. But you know, big sis to the rescue!" I internally cringed as I said that.

He chuckled and mumbled an agreement before taking my documents back to his car. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding and leaned my back against the seat. I heard a small groan and looked over at Kimberly, who was stirring a little bit.

The cop was coming back to the car and I only had one dose left in my bag that was in the backseat. She groaned again and I began to internally panic.

"Alright Miss, here ya go," the officer said as he handed me back my things. "I'm just gonna let you off with a warning this time, but next time it'll be a ticket."

"Sure thing sir, thank you and have a good night," I said quickly trying to get him to leave.
Why is this man so slow?!

"Same to y-

He was interrupted by Kimberly groaning. I sharply inhaled and looked at his face for any signs of suspicion.
"What was that? You sure she's okay?"
He bent down again to get a look. "Are you okay over there ma'am?"

At this point my fingers were feeling trigger happy, but I knew better. I had to get this cop to leave us alone and fast.
"I forgot to mention she's on her period and having really bad cramps, the sooner I get her home the sooner she can take some medicine for it."

The cop grimaced a little and backed off. "Ahh I see, alright well have a good night ladies."
Fucking finally

I drove off taking deep breaths to calm myself down and sneaking glances both in the rear view mirror and at Kimberly. Once I was out of view from the officer I slowed down, reached into my bag and got the other dose.


We arrived at Katherine's cabin off of the highway in the woods. If I didn't know where I was going, I'd be terrified right now. There was nothing but darkness and trees and a small lake nearby it.

I genuinely don't know how I got so lucky to find someone who understands me. Katherine and I are similar in a lot of ways but she knows how to control herself and not be as impulsive as I am. I still don't trust her 100% but she is the closest I have to a friend.

While preparing to get Kimberly back, her and I shared many a glass over discussions of what she's also done in the past. Don't get me wrong, the woman is certainly no saint, but hasn't said anything worse than some of the things I've done. She's probably holding back and for that reason I'm holding back too. She doesn't know I'm the reason behind the two girls missing from Westwood High in the news. She probably suspects me about Cameron. But she definitely knows I'm responsible for Kimberly's father and brother. I should've listened to her advice and used the little brother as leverage to keep Kimberly in check...oh well

After texting Katherine I'm outside, I collected all of my belongings and unbuckled Kimberly and I. Katherine came outside with some rope and duct tape.

"Welcome back," she said with a smirk when she saw me. "How'd it go?"

I sighed. "Not as easy as I thought. Turns out an old face popped up and took Kimberly before I could get to her."

"Jesus Christ that's weird, how did you find them."

I wiggled Kimberly's phone that was in my hand. "Tracker."

"I'm impressed. You should probably destroy that before her friends come looking though."

"You're right."
I took the SIM card out and stepped on the phone until it smashed to pieces.

"After dealing with the unexpected obstacle, I used the needle but then we got pulled over by a cop. I literally thought I was going to have to kill an officer," I sighed.

"Well I'm glad that you didn't because that would've complicated things a bit," she laughed.

"Definitely. Come help me tie her arms and legs so we can get her into the house."


After getting Kimberly into my room, we went to another to discuss what to do.
"I can leave my dog here to keep an eye on her but I do have to get back to town next week, you know with the job and all. This place is stacked with food and supplies and if you ever need anything, I'm a call away. I'll probably pop up frequently to check on my pup."

"That's completely understandable, I already resigned over the phone so they shouldn't be checking for me. But what are you going to do when you see her friends around school?"

"I hadn't thought of that. You know they're about to graduate so they shouldn't be too much of a problem, I'm sure I can handle my own."

"And as for Kimberly, do we just keep her here forever? I mean how will I know I can trust her?"

"Well you obviously have to break her again. She's strong willed and hates your guts right now, it's gonna take a while. However, patience is key."

I stared into the distance wondering how I would go about it, thinking of what approaches to take to make her fall for me again, if she was ever in love at all or just lying the whole time. It pained me to think about.

"Hellloooo earth to Beca?"

I blinked back into focus. "Sorry what?"

"I think she's awake. You might want to check on her."

A lightbulb went off in my head and I smirked. "Actually I have a better idea....


I'm back :) I know it's been a hell of a long time and I apologize for the wait lol
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