4 - Detention

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Chapter 4

Kim's POV

After 7th period, everyone was dismissed for the day and went to go pack up. I made my way to my locker which was not far from another teacher's room. My softball coach Ms. McLarson, to be exact. She was fun and sarcastic at times, which made me like her more. As I put my stuff in my backpack, she came out of her room to watch the kids leave.

"Hey Kim Jim"

"You're still on that nickname?" I said cringing a little.

"Yep, it's still funny," she said chuckling.

'Kim Jim' was a nickname that I had gotten in the first week of softball practice. I ate a lot of slim jims so my team mates and eventually coaches started calling me that. Yes, it was funny the first few days, but now it just makes me cringe.

"So Ms. McLarson, how was your day?"

"Meh, you know, the usual. Nothing too eventful. Although, I heard there was a new teacher."

My heart started to beat faster. "Yeah, Ms. Winston. I have her for fourth period...and detention.

Ms. McLarson's eyes darted to mine and she gasped. "You have detention?!

I sighed and nodded.

"Somebody decided to make a big scene about me having my phone out."

"Well that sucks. Good thing it started raining so practice is cancelled."

My head snapped up. "Wait hold up, it's raining?"

"Yeah, it started not to long ago. I heard it's going to get worse."

"Aw man! I don't have an umbrella."

"See uh, I would give you one, but I don't have one myself. I'm just gonna run to my car to avoid getting too wet."

"I guess I have no choice but to get soaked."

"Yep. So uh, tell me about this new teacher of yours, is she pretty?"

"Omg why would you even ask me that," I said blushing hard."

She laughs. "That reaction says it all. You probably like her too."

At this point, I'm as red as a tomato and packing up twice as fast. "Stop it McLarson, please stop," I beg as she continues to tease me.

"Oh c'mon, you know I'm playing. There's probably fireworks when you see her," she laughed.

She laughed again as I whined. "Oh my gosh, I swear you peaked in high school."

"That's why the kids love me, I connect with them."

"Whatever." Totally not corny...

"You better hurry and get to your detention before you have another one," she says smirking at me.

"I hate you," I say walking to my detention.

"I'm still your favorite teacher!" she yells behind me. I put my thumb up as a 'yes' sign. Gosh that woman is a lot.


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