7 -Kiss

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Chapter 7

Kimberley's POV

On my way to 5th period, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around only to see Cameron again. He smiled that charming smile of his and turned around, so that he was walking backwards and facing me.

"Hey, I was wondering if you were free this weekend?"

"Why?" I asked him.

"Just wanted to know if you could come to the movies with me."

"Like a date?" I asked raising my eyebrows. I think I need to tell him since he hasn't guessed it yet.

"Yeah, sure, like a date." He started blushing and looked down.

"Cameron, I need to tell you something."

"Yeah sure what is it?" He said quickly looking up.

"I like tacos, not hotdogs."

He looked confused as ever and raised an eyebrow. "Okaaay?"

"I meant, I rather clams than eggplants."

His look got even more confused so, I could tell he wasn't getting it.

"For Christ's sakes! I dig chicks not dicks! I like girls dude."

"Oh, well then. Uhh I mean we could still go but as friends ya know? And you could bring your friends."

"Yeah that sounds good."


After school I headed to Ms. Winston's class for some help with the class work today. It was really confusing and hard to understand.

I knocked on the door and peeked my head in. "Hello?"

"Ahh yes Kimberley. Come in, I'm just finishing up putting these grades in. I'll be with you in a second."

I sat at the seat in front of her desk and got the work out. I heard her typing a few things then she got up and strutted over to me.

To be honest, she looked really good today. Like really really good. She had a black pencil skirt on, a red button up top, red heels and her hair curled.

She sat down on her desk right in front of me and stared into my eyes. We stayed like that for ten seconds before I blushed and looked down. Eye contact has always been hard for me. I dont know why.

Ms. Winston smirked and began to speak.

"So what did you need help on again?"

I showed her the problems and where I was having trouble. The position we were in at the moment was slightly uncomfortable, and it was hot.

She was standing right over me from behind and bending over so she could write some things on my paper. Her cleavage was literally right next to me and it took everything not to look.

"Okay there. Do you understand?"

I wasn't even paying attention. "Oh yeah yeah I got it."

"You sure?"

"Yep, positive."

She raised an eyebrow at me and smirked. "Alrighty then. Anything else you need help with?"

I wanted to stay in her room longer because going home meant cleaning and doing work. Maybe she needed help with something.

"I don't have anything else, but maybe you need help with something?"

Ms. Winston's POV

"I don't have anything else but maybe you need help with something?"

My mind immediately went to dirty thoughts when those words left her pretty mouth, my insides burst with happiness. She actually wanted to stay behind and help me. I could use this to my advantage.

"Sure! I think this room could use some fixing up."

She smiled and got up. "So what needs to be done?"

I thought about it for a second. "Hmm, you can erase the board and write the new date and objectives for tomorrow."


She went to the board and erased most of it except for what was at the top. She jumped a couple times trying to erase things and I thought it was the cutest thing ever. Her ass looked so good from here.

She got a chair and stood on it to get the words left over at the top. As I was walking back to my desk, I heard a rattle and before I knew it, my arms went out in reflex as she fell into them. "Woah there," I said laughing.

"Sorry! I was leaning to one side and fell out of the chair," she said sheepishly. I chuckled and just stared into her beautiful eyes. I loved the position we were in, her in my arms.

I let her feet down, but still held her torso. Minutes seemed to go by as we stared into each others eyes, not once breaking the gaze. I took this as an opportunity and leaned in, looking from her eyes to her lips. She leaned in too, but seemed hesitant.

I wasn't going to allow this moment to pass, so I kissed her. It felt like fireworks went off as our lips touched. The moment I had dreamed of since I first laid eyes on her, which wasn't too long ago.

The moment was cut a little too short for my liking as she pushed me away, both of us breathing heavily. She looked shocked, but I don't understand why because it seemed like we both liked the kiss.

"That was not supposed to happen."

That sentence hurt me honestly. Something in me snapped and I'm pretty sure Kimberely noticed too because she started to back away with a look that showed she was scared.

"What do you mean, 'that was not supposed to happen?' because the way I see it, you also enjoyed that. I have been WAITING to do that. Then y-you just go and say it WASN'T supposed to happen!?!"

I started walking towards her slowly as I was yelling. I wasn't in control of my body anymore, the anger was. "You Kimberley, you are MINE. Do you hear me? If I can't have you nobody can!

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