8 -Kidnapped?

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Chapter 8

Kimberley's POV

I'm trying to process what just happened. So, Ms. Winston and I kissed, I pushed her away, she snapped and now she has this crazy look in her eye.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little scared. I would also be lying if I said I wasn't a little turned on. Her getting all possessive and territorial really did something to me.

I backed up all the way until I was cornered between her and the wall.

"You Kimberley, you are MINE. Do you hear me?! If I can't have you, nobody can!

Okay, this is really starting to seem like a lifetime movie to be honest. She reached over and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You're so beautiful. Just stay mine and we won't have a problem."

My heart was beating so hard, I swore it would just pop out. I didn't want to make her mad so I just nodded. She smiled and stroked my cheek.

"I knew you loved me back."

She came closer if that was possible, and kissed me again. I kissed back, not wanting to anger her because she seemed unpredictable right now.

She pulled back and turned around. Ms. Winston gathered her things and looked at me. "Get your stuff, you're coming with me."

"What? Where?...why?"

That look returned to her eyes and she stepped towards me. "Because, I said so. I want to take you somewhere. Now get your bag and let's go!"

"I need to know where we're going because my friends will be concerned. If anything happens to me, I want them to know."

What happened next, happened so fast that it took me a minute to process it. She grabbed the closest thing to her, which happened to be a stapler and threw it at the wall, breaking it in half and making all the little staples fall out.

I jumped and gasped at the sudden noise and looked at the mess in shock. This woman is really crazy! My mind was telling me to run, but my legs wouldn't move. I looked at her and she was looking back at me, staring right into my soul.

I got my stuff and decided to go with her. I could text my friends later right? Plus I didn't want to see what would happen if I was to decline. She smiled, walked to the door and held her hand out. "Let's go."

I held her hand as we made our way to her car. She opened the door for me and gestured me in. Trying to be nice after freaking me out, such a gentlemen.

I buckled up as she got in and started the car, making sure to lock all the doors. As if I was going to try to escape while we're driving. She turned on the radio and Gwen Stefani's Make Me Like You came on. How ironic.

We drove out of the parking lot and onto the main road. And so the after school adventure begins.

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