28 - Plan

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Rebecca's POV

What the hell is taking Kimberly so long in the bathroom? After about 4 minutes and 50 seconds, I opened the bathroom door only to find it empty. What...the hell.

I quickly started scanning the entire place for any sign of Her anywhere. "No no no this can't be happening I shouldn't have let her go alone."

When I came to the conclusion that she had left somehow, I got in my car and sped off, looking around the streets and alleyways. She couldn't have gotten far, she doesn't even know the area.

"Unless She got a ride she sho- shit."

I slammed my fist on the steering wheel. 'Where would she go? Her own house maybe?' I drove off to her home, ignoring stopping signs and some red lights where I didn't see any police.

When I got there the lights were on. 'Interesting.'
I grabbed a switchblade from my car compartment and a Bobby pin in case I needed to open a locked door. I knocked on the front door, and who I assumed to be Kimberly's father opened it.

"Hi, is Kimberly home?"

"No actually. I haven't seen her in days. She said she was going to stay at a friends house for the weekend. Maybe she came in to get stuff when I wasn't here."

"Okay thank you."

"Uhm may I ask who you are?"

"Oh just a friend, no one you need to worry about."

"Hmm. Well have a good day."

I didn't bother saying it back as I walked back towards my car. Of course she doesn't come home first that would be too obvious.

What if whoever drove her took her? No I can't let myself think like that right now. I need to keep looking.


Searching for hours got me no where. I went home and poured myself a drink up to the brim of the glass.

Thinking about the whole situation sent me into a frenzy. I threw the glass at the wall shattering it and screamed.

What I need right now is a friend. I called Katherine who I haven't seen in forever and told her it was an emergency. She rushed over but was confused to find no "emergency".

"Rebecca what's wrong?"

"Kimberly left," I said tearing up. "And I don't exactly know where she is."

"Did you check her home?"

I nodded.

"Well how Did she leave?"

I explained to her the whole situation, leaving out any 'private' details.

"You took her to a bar?! What if you were caught?"

"I had a plan for all of that, I just didn't expect her to leave and make it so far to wherever she went."

"Seems like you put a little trust in her too early."

I scoffed. "Yeah"

"Were you guys okay? Like relationship wise?"

Screw it might as well tell her everything. "Well uh..."


Katherine comforted me while I cried so that I wouldn't break anything else.

"You know, instead of punishing and threats of violence, you could try a softer approach."

"What do you mean?"

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