44 - Disappearance

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Rebecca sat in her car waiting, watching the house like a hawk. She had parked a couple feet away to keep her distance. Around 3am, she saw some movement. Someone leaving the back door and walking around her way.

'Is that? Yes, it is her!'

Her excitement soared as she watched the girl slightly wobbling and walking with her head down. 'Probably still tipsy,' she thought, perfect. She waited until Kimberly passed her before she got everything she needed for this to go as planned. After watching her near the top of the road, Rebecca got out and opened the passenger door slightly to make it easier putting Kimberly in the seat for herself.

Katherine was already at her house getting everything ready and in place, she even brought her german shepherd to serve as a guard dog to make it harder for Kimberly to try any funny business.

She stalked up the road, cloth in pocket, blade in hand, ready to get her love back. Unfortunately by the time she reached where she had last seen Kimberly, the road was empty. Not a person in sight. Could she have ran and hidden? Maybe Kimberly noticed her.

No that's impossible it's too dark to see well. So where the hell did Kimberly go? Rebecca clenched her jaw so hard a chill ran through her body. Her nostrils flared as she had to prevent herself from screaming and kicking things over in the street at 3am.

'I should've kept a closer eye or following distance! Ugh I'm so stupid!'

She went back to her car and got her phone out, going straight to the tracking app and seeing that Kimberly was moving, fast.

'What the hell? Why is she moving so fast, is she in a car?" Rebecca thought. She put her car in gear and followed the locations that Kimberly's phone was giving off. Someone picked the wrong day to screw with her plans...


Kimberly awoke with a slight headache in a dark room. She could tell she was lying on a bed, not any that she was familiar with. She noticed the agonizing pain in her leg, but when she moved to hold it, she noticed her arms were tied to the bed frame, as were her legs. Her breathing began to quicken as she thought about the one person who could be guilty for this.
'How the fuck did she find me?' Kimberly thought.

Suddenly Kimberly heard a noise from behind the door. Her eyes immediately shut and she tried to control her breathing to make as though she hadn't woken up yet. The door opened and the lights were turned on as Kimberly heard footsteps coming towards her. Her jaw slightly clenched as her heart rate began to increase.

Then it was quiet, as if the person was studying Kimberly's features to see if she was awake. Unexpectedly her injured leg was slapped hard which caused Kimberly to attempt sitting up with a jolt as she groaned in pain.

"So you are awake," her captor spoke.

The voice made Kimberly's eyes widen as she made eye contact with piercing green eyes. Someone she thought she'd never see again was standing right in front of her. The brunette she had sold under the bus.


"Miss me?" She smirked

"I- how did you find me? Why am I tied up here?"

Lauren stared at Kimberly for a second before sitting beside her on the bed. "Well you see, after our little plan to obtain any information we could to help you, I was paid a visit by your girlfriend. I'm guessing you mentioned me?"

Kimberly didn't answer as she just stared back.
"Anyways, she cornered me with a knife to my throat and threatened me and my family if I didn't disappear and leave y'all alone. I didn't want my family hurt so I left town for a couple weeks, but something told me I had to come back and check on you guys, see if you were still alive."
Lauren sighed. "I guess that's why you're here now."

"So you had to injure and kidnap me?"

"I'm not kidnapping you, I'm saving you. We can skip town together and be safe."

"Yeah no thanks, I'm already moving in a week. I figured everything out, without you. So you can take your savior complex and shove it up your ass!"

Lauren chuckled as she shook her head. In an instant she punched Kimberly's leg again which made Kimberly yell in pain.


"You will soon enough. I don't know what's so hard for you to understand Kimberly. Just come with me and we can be together safely!"

"That's what this is about?! You have got to be kidding me," Kimberly sighed as she looked at the ceiling.
"I have to be cursed or something because it's getting ridiculous at this point."

"You're special Kimberly, and many people can see that-"

"Oh fuck off, I'm not interested."

"You'll come around and see that I'm doing this for your own good. You know how dangerous Rebecca can be. Trust me I'm doing you a favor," Lauren said as she walked out of the room.

"tRuSt mE iM dOiNg yOu a fAvOR," Kimberly mocked.

'Okay think, you've been in this situation before and you made it out, what can I do now. I can either play the long game or the short one. Wait where's my- oh my god my phone!' Kimberly sighed again as she thought about where her phone could be and if it was still working or not already destroyed. Her wrists ached and her leg was throbbing with pain and already starting to bruise.

Lauren came back in the room and placed an ice bag on her leg, looking at her one more time before leaving the room, not saying a word.

'She could've at least loosened my wrist.'


The captor has been revealed and they have a motive!
Was it who you expected?
How do you think Rebecca will respond?

As always, remember to vote and comment!

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