21 - Delinquency

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Kimberly's POV

"So what if I'm crazy," she smirked as she leaned on towards my ear. "The best people are."

My heart was pounding so hard, I felt like it was going to leap out of my chest. She kissed me slowly and let go of my hands. Ms. Winston pulled away, much to my surprise, and walked back to her desk.

"The bells gonna ring soon, I think you should go get your stuff. You know how chaotic those hallways can be during transition."

I stared in no particular direction, trying to figure out what the hell just happened. First she's upset with me, next I call her crazy, then she doesn't react how she usually does and has this calm like demeanour.

God! This woman is bipolar as hell. It scares me how much emotions she could go through within a minute. I'm just thankful she didn't hurt or threaten me.

"Oh yeah and Kimberly?"

"Yes, Ms. Winston?"

"Next time you call me crazy I'm going to hurt your family," she said in a calm voice.

Spoke to soon. "Yes ma'am," I mumbled as I unlocked the door walked out of the room.


Just in time for the bell. Students started to pile Into the hallways like piranhas. Couples meeting up and talking, friends chasing each other, people arguing and most likely going to fight later, people flirting, teachers yelling.

Joseph and Jackie met me at my locker with their stuff since it wasn't too far from our 4th period. I grabbed my books and folders and we made our way to Ms. Winston's class.

A couple steps before we reached, someone had thrown up abruptly and it blocked most of our path.

"BITCH!" Jackie yelled at the guy.

Joseph and I started laughing at the way she reacted to almost being vomited on.

"C'mon Jackie, have some sympathy for the guy," Joseph said.

"How!? When he almost threw up on me!"

"Okay I think you're over thinking it a little too much," I said.

This caused a little delay and the bell rang just as we approached the door. Ms. Winston shut it before we had the chance to enter.

"Woooooooww, that's beyond petty. And she probably saw what just happened too. Kimberly, get your girl."

"First of all, she is not my girl," I retorted. "She's my annoying 4th period teacher who just closed the door on us even though we were literally 2 seconds late."

Joseph knocked a couple times and through the slightly visible window that was mostly covered up by paper, we saw Ms. Winston totally ignoring us and continuing to take attendance.

"You guys wanna skip since she's being a bitch?" Jackie asked.

My mind immediately went to what she could do to me if I skipped. I was already late in her eyes, that would just be blowing hair spray on the lighter.

"Yeah I think we should," Joseph stated. "She doesn't look like she's gonna be opening the door any time soon. We could hang out in the gymnasium or just run around the hallways."

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea."

"Well then, let's go people."

We put our English stuff back in our lockers and met outside of Michael and Maria's class.

We danced like crazy people and made faces trying to get them to laugh until their teacher's face appeared in the door's window.

Jackie got startled and fell backwards.

Joseph and I laughed as we ran down a hallway, Jackie following pursuit and yelling curses at us for leaving her behind.

We all caught up at a water fountain to catch our breath and get a drink.

"I don't even know how I put up with you cunts," Jackie said breathing hard with her arms crossed.

"Shush you love us," I said hugging her.

After roaming the halls for a little while more, the bell rung signalling the end of 4th period.

I said bye to Jackie and Joseph and went back to my locker to get my stuff for biology.

As I was closing my locker, I saw Ms. Win- uh Rebecca in the corner of my eye. We made eye contact and she was fuming. Like smoke coming out the nose and ears fuming. I was so getting it later.

I met up with Maria and Michael in bio and we sat in the back. Before the late bell even rang, some girl stood in front of my desk.

"You're in my seat," she said with her arms folded.

Maria, Michael and I made eye contact before bursting into laughter seconds later. The girl stepped closer.

"I said, move."

"Ms. Jacobs said we don't have assigned seats in here sooo, I'm not really in your seat. It's more of her seat."

"I'm not gonna ask you again." She was tapping her feet now.

"Then don't," Michael cut in. "Why can't you just find somewhere else to sit. Look at all those empty seats in the room."

"Shut up no one asked you."

"What, bitch?" He said standing up. Maria tried holding him down but he was obviously stronger than her.

"You heard me. So do everyone a favor and shut the hell up because literally no one asked for your crusty ass opinion," she said with a smirk.


By this time, other students had heard the commotion and people had their phones out. While Michael was arguing with her, I  putt my hair in a bun.

While she wasn't looking, I cocked my fist back and socked her right in the jaw. A chorus of "daaaaaammnnn" or "oooooooo" strung out through the room.

The girl lunged at me and we began going at it. The teacher and other students were trying to break it up, but with all the desk and chairs in the way, it was hard.

"Get a security guard! Get a security guard!" The teacher kept yelling in a frantic voice.

Michael and Maria were...supporting me in the background.




When the guards finally pulled us apart, the girl had a bloody nose and I had some minor scratches. She was still yelling and cursing while trying to lunge at me.

2 different guards pulled her and I separate ways to take a walk, cool down then go to the office. I knew I was gonna get suspended and honestly I didn't care. More sleep for me yay.

What I did care about however, was how Rebecca was going to react to this. This was the sprinkles on top of the icing that was already on top of the cake.

How do you think Rebecca (Winston) is gonna react to this news? Will she punish Kimberly even more?

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