36 - Confrontation

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Kimberly's POV

I turned around to her and narrowed my eyes. "Can you explain me to how exactly you became my "LeGaL gUarDiaN" I said with finger quotes.

Her face showed no emotion as she searched my eyes with hers. "I-," she stuttered.

I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to gather clothes and other things, her following suit. "I know what you did," I said to her.

There was a hint of fear and curiosity in her eyes before her face contorted to one of confusion.
"What are you talking about?"

"I don't know ask Cameron, ask my dad, ask my brother!" I said yelling. Her eyes went wide before running to a drawer and looking frantically in it.

"You found my journal?"

"Not me, but I read it."

"I should've gotten rid of those damn kids earlier," she mumbled to herself.

"Is it true?" I asked as my voice cracked. Deep down I was hoping it wasn't.

She pulled something out of the drawer and slowly walked towards me. "Kimberly, everything I did, I did it for us. I did it so that we could be together because...it's true love. We were made for each other can't you see?"

I started to slowly back away as she revealed a knife from behind her back.

"I have done SO much to show you how much I love you and you don't even care!"

I looked behind me to locate the stairs before turning back to her. She followed my eyes and narrowed hers. "Don't even think abo-

Before she could finish her sentence I jetted down the stairs skipping a few and running for the door. I tripped on one of my things that was in the way and turned to see her behind me with the crazy look back in her eye.

This time she opened a small desk and took out a pistol. My eyes went wide as I put my hands up in surrender. "Rebecca," I said slowly. "Please put the gun down."

"You know it was so simple. All you had to do was love me."

"Rebecca, look at me. You're not well. I saw the prescriptions, you're not in your right mind."

She pointed the gun at me and scoffed. "Now where have a I heard this before? Oh yes, my ex. You sound just like him, he lost faith in us too."

"But why Cameron? What did he do? Why those two girls?"

"He was a THREAT to OUR relationship. He had to go. And those two sluts, one embarrassed you, one got you in trouble."

"He was JUST a FRIEND!"

"Yeah that may have been how you saw him, but that's not how he saw you. As long as we're together everything will be all right."

"I can't do that. You can imagine why."

She held a hurt expression on her face before lowly chuckling and aiming the gun back at me.

"You don't have a choice. Everything was starting to fall into place. You were vulnerable and I was there for you, I took care you, I provided you with everything you needed."

"My dad could have do-"

"NO HE COULDN'T HAVE!" She yelled before firing a shot into the ceiling. "Not him, definitely not your long gone mother, not your so called friends, not the new teacher bitch, NOT ANYONE!"

I flinched and slowly stood up, my hands still in the air. I looked around me for anything I could use as a weapon. There was pounding on the door and I heard Both Joseph's and Kristen's voice.

There was still a little distance between me and the door and she was standing in the way. "Why can't you just love me?!" She cried.

I don't know because you're crazy. I can't say that, I have to think smart. "I-I do love you, it's just a little hard to considering you killed my family but I do."

The gun lowered a little as she smiled. "You do?"

"Of course," I said walking slowly to her.
"You're right. You're the only person who has truly cared for me."


"It was hard for me to see that before but I understand now."

"You mean that?" She asked hopefully as she lowered the gun further.

"Yes I really do. I love you."

"Say it again. I want to hear you say it again."

"I. Love. You"

The gun was now by her side and I was within arm reach of her. "How do I know you're not lying?"

"Like this," I said as I leaned in to kiss her. While she was distracted, I put my right foot behind her left and pushed her back as hard as I could.

She fell off balance and the gun was knocked out of her hand. I lunged for it but fell a couple inches short as she grabbed my ankle. I tried kicking her off of me as we wrestled to get a hold of the weapon.



I clawed at her hands that tightly wrapped around my throat. In my peripheral I could see the knife and tried reaching for it, but my mind was starting to get hazy. As soon as I had a grip I swung as hard as I could and she fell off of me, holding the side of her face.

I coughed and tried to regain my breath as I ran towards the door only managing to unlock it before falling to my knees. Joseph opened it and rushed in with Kristen following suit.

"Oh my god what happened?"

"Knife. Gun. Attack" I coughed out pointing at her.

"Wha- *BANG*

Another shot went off barely missing Joseph but grazing his shoulder. "Cmon get up, Kristen take her to the car."

Third person POV

Kristen helped Kimberly up and out of the house. She was put into the car and asked if She was okay before Kristen went back to the door frame.

She stopped in her tracks as she saw Rebecca lunging at Joseph with the knife and stabbing him in the side. Her eyes went wide with horror and her fight or flight kicked in. Joseph continued to fight despite the pain and deep wound that was now bleeding out.

"Kristen the gun!"

Kristen looked around frantically, her eyes searching for the gun. She finally spotted it under a chair and started to go for it before Rebecca made eye contact with her, knife still firmly griped.


Kristen's breath quickened as she ran for the gun. She managed to pick it up and aim it at Rebecca just as she was about to stab her.

Rebecca scoffed. "You don't have the gu-"

Her words were cut off as a bullet entered her thigh, making her yell and topple over. Kristen dropped the gun in shock and quickly ran over to Joseph to help him into the car.

As she drove away, She looked in the view mirror only to be met with Rebecca limping at the door. Her infuriated icy blue eyes showing an anger that she's never seen before. It shook her to her core. She would never forget those eyes.


Does Joseph make it?

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