16 - Authority

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Ms. Winston's (psychopathic) POV

Today was the second day of me following Cameron after his soccer practice. I had my tools in the car and an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere ready.

Lunch would soon be over and 4th period was coming, which meant I would see my precious Kimberely again. It's hard to believe that she's all mines but she is. She loves me the way I love her, I'm sure of it. No one can convince me otherwise.

The bell rung and students began to fill the room. The last couple students that walked in were Kimberley and her friends...and Cameron.

She wore a red v-neck that showed a good amount of cleavage. It made my core ache. It was her teasing me and it worked as I bit my lip gazing upon her. It took everything in me to not take her then and there.

Her ass looked perfect in those black leggings. I looked at Cameron and followed his gaze. He too was staring at Kimberley's bottom. My eyes narrowed as I glared at him.

I let out a low growl through gritted teeth, breaking the pen that was in my hand. My eyes followed him as he placed his hand on her shoulder and sat next to her. That's not even his seat! It's Jackie's. I was furious.

I had to mask my emotions and calm down. Time would come for me to give him what he so badly deserved. Oh how I would get my revenge. He'd be begging for me to kill him.

The bell rung and I started class. I took attendance, having to bite my tongue so that I didn't say anything rude when I got to Cameron's name.

As we read, I heard some giggling coming from somewhere in the front of the class. I turned to see who it was. Kimberely had her head in her hands laughing immensely as Cameron whispered to her. Just that sight alone enraged me. I had to do something about it right away.

"Would you like to share with the class what's so funny, Kimberley?"

She calmed down and whiped a tear from her eye before responding.
"Nothing. It's nothing."

"Doesn't seem like nothing."

Cameron then interjected our conversation which infuriated me.

"I was just telling her about something that happened at practice yesterday."

I smiled internally as I thought to myself. He won't be going to practice anymore.

"Don't talk again, or I'll send you to the principal's office."

"Just for talking?!"

I turned back around and glared at him. "And for insubordination. Aka not listening when I told you to stop the first time."

People in the class "Oooooo'd" as he blushed out of embarrassment and turned back around in his seat and huffed. I smiled to myself for my achievement. Embarrassing him in front of students.

The rest of the class went pretty smoothly. Kimberley and I making eye contact every now and then. I would smile and wink at her but she would just look down.

The bell would soon ring, signalling the end of 4th period. I told everyone to pack up and clean up any trash left on the floor.

"Kimberley, can you stay after class please?"


The class came to an end and students left the room. Kimberley sat in the front, looking at me expectantly.

I stared back at her and smiled, adoring her beauty.
"So uh, what did you need me for?"

"Oh nothing. Just wanted to say hi and finally have some alone time. I know you wore that outfit for me."


"It's fine though. I'll have you soon enough."

"That's no-"

"Also I want you to stay away from Cameron. He's not good news. The other day, I saw him go in an alley near the school with someone and sell them some drugs. That just confirms my suspicion that he was envolved in something bad." A lie but whatever it takes.

"How di-"

"Ah ah ah, you can go to class now. Hurry up and don't be late, because if you are, that means punishment," I said in a sing-song voice. "And believe me, I will be checking."

She stared at me confused before she left the room and hurried to her next class. I wouldn't really punish her, just wanted to give her a good scare.

The next class that piled in was my least favorite of the day. It had all the showoff kids that thought they were better than other kids because of how good they were at sports or their popularity. The guys were my least favorite part with all the playful flirting they did but I just played along to win that favorite teacher spot.
This class had the most referrals even though the school year started not too long ago. I just had to bare through it.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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