13 -Punishment

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Kimberely's POV

I gulped and stuttered as I tried to get an answer out.
"I-I was j-just-"

"Trying to run away? I'm not stupid Kimberely."

I could see She was fuming but trying to control it. I knew whatever was coming wasn't good. She grabbed my arm and pulled me towards a different part in the house.

We passed some doors before we came upon a locked one. She took a key out of her pocket and opened it, revealing stairs that went down into a dark room. She pushed me in there and made me walk down while she turned the lights on.

When we reached the bottom, I gasped at the sight in front of me. It was a large room with the theme of red and black, giving it a sexy environment. Along one of the walls were a bunch of sex toys that I had only seen on Google, in movies, or read about.

There were floggers, paddles, whips, handcuffs and more. There was a bed with black pillows and red sheets with  holes in the metal headboard.

Across the room from the bed had a flat screen TV attached to the wall. A black refrigerator sat in the corner. There were chairs and couches all around the room and in one of the corners sat a red pillory.

"You have got to be kidding me."

"I kid you not. Now, over there."
She pointed to the pillory. "That's where you'll be getting your punishment."

I laughed and raised my eyebrows. "You can't be serious."

"Deadly. Now get over there before I make you."

I stood where I was, turning around one more time to see the room where she had brought me. As I turned back around, I was met with a hand bringing a cloth to my face. Another hand grabbed my arm tightly and wouldn't let me go as I fought against the restraint.

My thoughts began to get foggy and my knees, weak. I felt myself slipping from consciousness.


I woke up in that damn pillory that Ms. Winston was trying to get me into. I was now completely helpless.

"Oh you're awake," she said as she descended down the stairs. "Just in time because it's bedtime soon, then school tomorrow."

"Wait, you're still taking me to school? Wouldn't you be afraid that I would tell someone?"

"Oh I know you won't tell anyone," she said as she slowly made her ways towards me, paddle in her hand. "Because if you do, I will brutally murder your closest friends, make sure your life becomes a living hell, and don't even get me started on your dad and brother."

I couldn't believe this, she was blackmailing me in the worse way possible. I couldn't let my friends and family die, I loved them. I felt tears begin to make their way to my eyes.

"YOU BITCH! What is wrong with you!?"

"A lot of things sweety. Now, back to your punishment."

She slowly walked behind me and told me that I was going to get 10 lashes. They were some of the most painful things that I've felt in my life. It felt like she used all of her energy into those hits. Each one more painful than the last.

By the time she was done, I was in tears and I know my butt was red and sore. She crouched down in front of my face and put a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Now this hurt me more than it hurt you. You can't just get up and run out on me like that. I want you to understand that."

"Go to hell."

"Oh honey, where do you think I came from? Now time to get ready for bed. Sorry, but I have to chloroform you again, can't have you getting any ideas." She had a sickening smile on her face.

"You're crazy. You need help."

"Ya know, that's what my last husband said. He even took me to a shrink."
She said the last word in disgust.

"I told him I didn't but he insisted. He even threatened to leave me. Can you believe him?! Yeah so, that didn't work out. I had to get rid of him. Lets just say he's in a better place now."

After she said that she brought the cloth back to my face. I held my breath for as long as I could but I eventually had to breathe. After a few seconds I passed out again.


When I woke up, I was in a tank top and shorts on that same bed again. I was snuggled next to Ms. Winston with her arms tightly around me except, my hands were cuffed together.
You have got to be kidding me!

For most of the night I couldn't sleep due to how uncomfortable I was, but I ended up drifting away somewhere around 3am according to the alarm clock on the table.
I updated WOOOOOO!
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