51 - Cabin

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Third Person POV

The hours went by excruciatingly slow as Kimberly lay on the rather large bed tied up. Even though the girl's chocolate eyes had adjusted to the dark room, it was still difficult to make out much. The only windows in the room were covered by dark curtains, barely letting any light in. Her headache had gone down slightly but still remained.

Kimberly felt confused. Her mind replayed the most recent events over and over, trying to make sense of them, if they were a drug induced dream or actually happened. All of what Katherine told her had scrambled her mind. It didn't help that she was practically starving, dehydrated and had urinated on herself. The last time something went in her stomach it was a bunch of alcohol. She screamed and yelled for Katherine, but the house was practically silent. Her mind went to the worst places. She wondered if she was the only one there and what would happen if someone were to break in. Or if a wild animal was to find her.

All of her overthinking overrun with the thought of what would happen once Rebecca opened that door. How would she react? What would she say? According to Katherine's story, the alleged last time she would have saw her was when Kristen shot her in the thigh. That traumatic encounter in itself bringing back painful memories, causing her chest to tighten and moisture to rise behind her eyes. Confronting the person who insisted that they loved her, only for them to aim a gun at her, not to mentioned choke her to near unconsciousness.

Kimberly thought about Cameron, the new student that made friends with her at the wrong time. What was his family going through? What about the families of the other two girls Rebecca had killed. Her mind finally settled on her father and little brother and the flood gates opened. Kimberly sobbed and sobbed until she was hyperventilating and screaming. None of it was fair. Why hadn't she just reported Rebecca? She felt like an idiot for letting it get as far as she did.

After what felt like ages, she heard a light clicking where she hoped the door was located, possibly signaling that someone was unlocking it. Kimberly's heart pounded as she stared in that general direction in both dread and anticipation. On one hand she really needed a shower and sustenance, but she had grown to find comfort in the solace of the dark.

Light slowly illuminated the room from the crevice of the cracked door as the shadow of a figure appeared. Kimberly's eyes were still adjusting to the light but she could make out a figure in the doorway that lingered for a bit before approaching her.

As her vision cleared, she let out a breath of relief when she realized it was Katherine again. She wasn't ready to face Rebecca yet. The very thought made her heart pound in anxiety. Katherine had a cup with her but it didn't look like it was filled with water, it looked darker and thicker.

"Get a good night's rest?" She asked with a smirk on her face.

Kimberly rolled her eyes in response. "When can I shower...and actually eat something?"

"Ooo answering a question with another question are we? Hmm I probably should let you shower, seeing as I can smell you from here, but I'm not so sure I trust you yet. Also, I brought you a smoothie," she said holding it up.

Kimberly sighed and decided to reveal something that may make her change her mind. "Please...I- I had an accident."

Katherine chuckled softly at her revelation. "Fine, if you promise to behave and not try to run or fight while I untie you then yes, you can shower. And you're not going anywhere alone, can't have you getting any ideas."

Kimberly was grateful for the opportunity to just have a shower no matter the circumstances, as well as the smoothie, the thought of it made her stomach rumble. Still, something was plaguing her mind that she couldn't figure out. "Uhm what time is it now? I remember going for a walk around 3am but it's still the same day right?" She asked as Katherine began to untie her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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