46 - Caught

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Third Person POV

"Kimberlyyy I know you're in here. Be a dear and unlock the door for me."

Kimberly didn't know what to do, but she was trapped and had no other choice. She looked around the bathroom again for anything, anything at all but was still disappointed.

"Kimmy if you open this door right now I'll lessen your punishment," Rebecca said as she twirled the blade on her finger.
"1....2....don't let me get to 3."

Kimberly opened the door, much to her dismay.
"Hi baby girl," Rebecca smiled brightly, a slight sparkle in her eye. "I missed you."

Kimberly tried not to cringe at the nickname before slightly smiling back, she didn't want to upset Rebecca already.
Rebecca reached forward and brought her into a tight hug, not before noticing her slightly flinch and racing heart beat.

Kimberly's eyes widened as she saw Lauren tied up and unconscious on the bed. Rebecca followed her line of sight and sighed.
"Yeah she was causing too much noise, I had to get her to shut up somehow, don't worry she's not dead...yet."

"You're going to kill her?!"

"Not just me, we're going to get rid of her. She's standing in the way of our peace and I can't have that."

"No, no I'm not killing anyone," Kimberly said as she started to backup towards the door. Rebecca grabbed her arm so tight that she winced.

"You know we're not as different as you think. Remember how easily you sold her under the bus? You may think that you're some saint Kimberly but I know the real you. That's what makes us go so well together. The sooner you accept that, the better it'll be for us."

"I'm not like you at all, I'm not a murderer," Kimberly said through gritted teeth.

"Not yet," Rebecca smirked.

She reached into her back pocket and grabbed a bottle of sleeping pills. "Hand me that water bottle on the table."

Kimberly turned around and sure enough there was one there. When did that get there?

"I also need you to hold her up and open her mouth."

"You're going to make her overdose and look like a suicide?"

"Tsk tsk babe you keep saying 'you're'."

"Well you thought of it."

Rebecca tilted her head and nodded. "That's true. Now help me hold her up."

Kimberly reluctantly held Lauren up and opened her mouth. This is so wrong what am I doing. "I can't do this."

Rebecca rolled her eyes and pointed the blade at Kimberly while walking slowly towards her.
"You will do this, otherwise you can go right along with her. The punishment I had lined up for you would've made you wish you were dead, I lightened it because you opened the door willingly. DON'T test me."

Kimberly decided to listen and held Lauren's mouth open again while Rebecca shoved pill after pill in. Lauren started to stir and slowly woke up. "Whaa," she mumbled.

Rebecca dumped water in her face, getting it all over them. "SWALLOW!" She forced her mouth closed and held it as Lauren started to struggle again.
"Kimberly hold her tighter!"

Lauren tried and tried to not swallow the pills but ultimately had to when she felt herself start to choke.
"There we go, that's a good girl."

She coughed for a couple minutes before settling down. "Fuck you, and fuck you too, I tried to help you escape THIS!" Lauren yelled to them. She spit at Rebecca and was met with a hard backhanded slap to the face that echoed through the room.

"Don't you ever talk to my girl like that, I should bash your head in and gut you until you're unrecognizable," Rebecca seethed.

Kimberly's jaw had dropped slightly, she had never seen Rebecca like this, or had she? Her memory had deteriorated since this all started. She looked around the room for a weapon or phone, almost giving up before she spotted a landline phone in the corner of the room. While Rebecca was waiting for the pills to kick in, Kimberly inched closer and closer towards the phone, casually making conversation to keep her distracted.

"So how have you been?"

"Besides distraught and worried about you, not to mention recovering from the wound in my thigh, pretty okay."

"Oh yeah I forgot about that."
You deserve worse you psycho.

"I guess you've been planning to leave?"

"Uhhhh you know possibly, the town does bring up bad memories for me."
By then Kimberly was standing right on top of the phone, her feet blocking Rebecca's view of it. She had to find a way to squat down and dial the police quick enough.

Her and Lauren briefly made eye contact and Lauren nodded at her before yelling and shaking around on the bed to create a distraction.

"What the hell is wrong with you now?" Rebecca said walking over to Lauren. "SHUT UP DAMMIT!"

Kimberly quickly turned around and went to the floor, pulling the phone off of its handle and quickly dialing the intended numbers. Before she could type the second 1, her body was yanked back by her hair and she fell to the floor, phone flying out of her hand.

She tried to get up and reach for the phone again but froze in place when she heard a click behind her.

"Don't. fucking. move"


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