29 - Episode

7K 237 177

2 days later

Rebecca's POV

I stared at the full medicine bottle in my hand. If manipulation doesn't work I might actually have to take these. I held tightly to it, breathed in, then placed it on the table. Later.

I decided to call her and see if she would pick up.

Kimberly's POV

My phone began to ring as I sat there watching T.V. with my friends.

"Its her."

Their heads all shot up to look at me. "Bitch answer it!" Michael yelled in anticipation.

I shushed him with my finger. I stared at the screen before taking a deep breath and hitting answer.


"Hello Kimberly."

She sounds weirdly calm. I clenched my jaw and gulped. Stay strong.

"I'm not mad sweetheart, I just want you to come home."

"Rebecca, that- that wasn't my home."
I heard her sigh on the other end.

"I'll give you some time, but I expect you back in less than a week."

"Rebecca you're not listeni-"

"Skyler's sick," she interrupted.

"Wait what do you mean she's sick what happened?"

"I don't know but she was acting weird so I took her to the vet and they said she's sick with some life threatening problem."

I could hear the sadness in her voice. I always had a weak spot for the kitten. Maybe this could be the opportunity to get back in.

I looked up at everyone and they had different expressions from confusion to curiosity to concern to skeptical.

"What is she saying," Michael whisper-yelled. I shushed him

"Is she doing fine now?"

"She's rarely eating and lays on one of your shirts for the majority of the day."

My expression turned to one of guilt as I thought about the sick kitten missing me.

"I bet if I bring her treats, she'll eat," I smiled.

"I think so too. See you soon?"

I took a deep breath before looking back at my friends. "Yeah."

"Alright. Bye love."


I ended the call and looked up at them. "I think we're in."

"You're going back?" Joseph asked.

"How else do you expect to get in? I have to."

"Cough Stockholm cough" Michael coughed.

"What was that?"

"Nothing nothing. Something just tickled my throat."

I rolled my eyes and went back to watching t.v. In the corner of my eye I could see Lauren looking at me for a bit before turning back to cuddling with Maria.

Rebecca's POV

I texted Katherine as soon as our call ended.

Becca: I think she believed it

Katie: believed what?

Becca: I told her that my cat was sick and missed her and I think she fell for it.

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