18 -Murder part 2

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Ms. Winston's POV

I reached the warehouse at about 8:30pm. The skies were already dark so I guess that was a good thing. Cameron had stirred a little at one point and I had to chloroform him again.

When we reached, I got out of the car and put all the materials in the warehouse before coming back and untying Cameron. It being difficult to drag him was an understatement. I don't know what the hell they were feeding him, but he sure was hard to carry.

His maroon and black uniform slid against the dirt as I struggled to pull him towards the house. Once inside, I got the different ropes and cords I would be using to bind him up.

I put him in a skinny 'X' position where his hands were up over his head hanging from some random wooden pole. His feet were also separated and tied with some other ropes.

I placed blindfolds over his eyes and picked up the heavy bucket of hot water. He had to wake up sooner or later. I poured it over his head and he awoke groaning and blowing water from over his lips.

"Wha-?...where am I?! Why am I tied up? What's going on?" He began to panic and move around in his restraints.

"Shhhh, you ask too many damn questions."

"M-ms. Winston?"

"Oh? So you aren't as dumb as you look."

"What am I doing here? Why am I tied up?"

I got up and removed the blindfold.
"See you...you came at something that was mine," I said as I circled around him. "You tried...yup tried and failed, to take away someone who IS mine."

"What are you talking about?"

"You know Damn well what I am talking about. Kimberley, was never yours to have."

"Oh her? She's just a friend that I made here. I did try and ask her out but she wasn't into me."

"So you did try to ask her out? Hmm, I think you deserve a little punishment. You can tell by now that I don't like you, I never did. And this is going to be fun, at least for me."

I put the latex gloves on and reached for the tazer.

"Woah woah woah, Ms. Winston, let's think this over. If I knew she was taken I never would have come at her. I have a soccer team and a family that needs me."

"Hmm such a cocky little boy you are."

I tazed him without warning on his chest. He yelped out and twitched for a bit. I took this as my opportunity to grab the stockings and shove them in his mouth so he wouldn't make too much noise.

I put duck tape over his mouth and circled it around his head in case he tried to spit the gag out.

When he came to, he glared at me and mumbled something.

"What's that? Sorry I can't hear you," I said smirking. "How about we play tic tac toe. Here, I'll be X, and you'll be O."

I picked up the fireplace poker and the butcher knife. "I'll use this for X," I said holding up the knife. "And this for O," I said holding up the poker.

"But first, I think I should make this easier for me and heat them up a bit."

I took some gasoline and poured it into some random tin bucket. Next I took a match and lit it on fire. I put both the knife and poker over the bucket, waiting for them to become scorching hot.

"Oh I almost forgot, we need to make the lines of course. What's tic tac toe without the lines."

I picked up my leather bull whip and ran it across his body. Cameron screamed and moved around, pulling at the ropes.

"No one can here you so you might as well save your energy."

Without hesitation, I flung the whip across his abdomen...three times. I hurled it three more times vertically to make the perfect symmetrical board for the game.

Each time he groaned louder and louder. I think I even saw some tears in his eyes. This brought a type of sadistic joy to me that I never experienced before.

I went over to the bucket and got the poker and knife, which had turned a different color as a result of the fire. I strode over to Cameron who was shaking his head in a pleading way and crying hysterically.

"Awww is something wrong with little Cameron? Too bad."

I took the knife and scanned it over his stomach, trying to decide where to place the X. "How about right in the middle."

I slowly cut into his skin and ran the knife diagonally across the box. I repeated the action only this time going the opposite way.

Cameron writhed about in pain, bawling his eyes out. "Hey where do you wanna put your O? How about here?" I said pointing at his belly button.

He shook his head and looked at me with pleading eyes. "Hmm maybe not."

Cameron sighed in relief but that relief was short lived when I abruptly stabbed him in the navel.

He thrashed and yelled against his gag and duck tape but you could barely hear anything. Blood was starting to pool up and spread under where he was tied up.

Watching the thick, dark liquid coat his legs and the ropes made me feel some type of twisted joy, knowing that he's getting what he deserves.

I finished the game of tic tac toe, me winning of course. I had carved Xs in three more places and Os in two. Since I won, I decided that I should be rewarded for it. I picked up the whip again and slung it at him all over his body. From head to toe, literally. After, I took the tazer and pointed it at his genitals, which was already kinda bloody.

By the time I was almost done with him, Cameron had already passed out from pain. I wondered what else I could do with him.

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