35 - Revelation

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Kimberly's POV

It's lunch time right now but I'm not hungry, I'm just numb. I made my way to Ms. Smith's room since she was on lunch break too. I lightly knocked on the door and heard a come in.

"Oh hi Kimberly w- are you okay?"

"No, no I'm not at all. I think I need you're help."

She set her salad down, picked up a chair and brought it close to her desk before beckoning me over. "What's wrong."

"You remember how you asked if there was anything you could do to help? Well I need a plane ticket."

"Wait, what?"

"I learned some shocking things about someone I was starting to trust and I need to get away from this place. Somewhere far away. Possibly get into college early."

"Oh wow well uhm. I don't know about a plane but maybe a train or bus."

"Anything could work."

"Are you sure about his decision? I mean you're still young. Do you know anyone in a different state?"

"No "

"Listen I'm not gonna judge, but this doesn't seem like the best idea. What if something bad was to happen to you?"

"I honestly don't care anymore."

She looked at me sympathetically before sighing.
"What State are you thinking?"


For some reason, I feel comfortable opening up to this new teacher. She gives off motherly vibes with a calm, caring aura. I didn't tell her everything but I did say some of the things Rebecca did, mentioning her first name but not her last, or that she was a teacher here. Ms. Smith said she could help with cash, getting me an ID, and a bus ticket which I am very thankful for.

I didn't want to be around Rebecca so I came to Ms. Smith's room after school to help her clean. I had a bunch of missed calls and texts from her but ignored them. I still had things at her house that I needed to get.

As I erased the board, I heard heels clicking in the hallway. Probably just another teacher leaving early. Ms. Smith sat at her desk looking over papers and information.

The clicking stopped and I heard the voice that I was dreading all day.


I internally cursed in my mind and took a deep breath. I looked over at Ms. Smith with wide eyes and we made contact. I take it from her nod that she understood. I turned towards the door and looked at Rebecca.


"You were supposed to help me grade papers and clean my room today," she laughed when she saw the other teacher. She took a glance at Ms. Smith and a jealous look showed in her eyes before it disappeared.

"I uh-"

"Hi, I'm the new teacher here, subbing for Mr. Travers," Ms. Smith said as she got up and held her hand out to shake Rebecca's.

"Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Winston"


I looked between the two of them and could sense the tension. They wouldn't fight here, would they?

"Kimberly here was just helping me out since I'm new and all, I hope I didn't disrupt anything."

"No not at all," Rebecca said narrowing her eyes at me.

I gulped and turned back around, continuing to clean the bored.

"Well, if you'll excuse us, I have to look over some things and she has a couple tasks to do."

The Teacher's InfatuationWhere stories live. Discover now