50 - Gaslight

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Rebecca's POV

I stood in place, anxiously biting on my nail and tapping my foot. I wasn't sure if this was a great idea or not honestly...

With Kimberly upstairs and Katherine next to me, I proposed a bit of a bad cop good cop situation. Katherine would be this iron fist, mean, dictator like presence while I would play the sweet, caring figure. It was the only idea I could come up with on quick notice. A little deception and warping of details could soften Kimberly a bit. Katherine wasn't afraid of looking like the bad guy, so she agreed.

"Becca, when this is all over and you've got your girl, you need to move far away from me."

This caught me by surprise. "Excuse me?"

"I don't want to be caught up in this if shit hits the fan. I still want my career. I'll help you now and we can still stay in contact, but not in person until it's all blown over."

I didn't have anything to say so I just nodded at her. Katherine had a point but how dare she?! Some friend she is...

"Do you think she'll buy the story?" I ask looking at her, hoping she can convince me with her answer.

"It's worth a try," she sighed. "If I'm supposed to rewrite the past couple hours in her mind and convince her none of it happened, she can't know you're here, she can't hear your voice or smell you in any way."

I nodded in understanding. Sadly I'd have to delay officially reuniting with my love, so that this could work...it has to work.

"Okay, switch clothes with me, so I can cover it in my perfume and then I'll go up," Katherine said.


Third Person POV

Kimberly awoke in a dark room with a pounding headache and the worst pain in her leg, causing her to groan. When she tried to reach for her head, she realized her hands were tied up, as were her legs. This has to be Rebecca's doing, she thought. Memories came flooding back to the night and tears welled up in her eyes as she remembered everything prior to getting in the car.

Suddenly the door opened. Light from the hallway shone in, before a lamp was clicked on by a hidden figure, the figure placing a glass of water on the nightstand. Kimberly whole heartedly expected to see Rebecca, but was surprised when she made eye contact with...Ms. Cameron? Kimberly furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"I see you're awake, I was beginning to think I injected you with too much anesthesia," Katherine chuckled.
Kimberly's eyes held even more confusion. Unsure of what to say, she remained silent. It didn't help that her mouth and throat were completely dry, the previous day of drinking dehydrating her.

"You don't have to be silent you know, I know you have loads of questions."

Kimberly mustered up whatever moisture she had left and tried asking for water before coughing. Katherine thought about it before settling on a trade.
"How about, for every sip of water you get, you have to ask a question?"

Kimberly narrowed her eyes to keep herself from rolling them. She did have lots of questions but didn't want to play whatever stupid game Katherine came up with...she also really wanted some water, so she nodded.

Katherine lifted the glass to Kimberly's lips, letting her drink for a couple seconds before pulling it away. She looked at Kimberly expectantly.

"Uhmm where are we and how did I get here?"

"Well, we're at my cabin, and I brought you here a couple hours ago after finding you on the road," Katherine answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Kimberly furrowed her eyebrows at this. She doesn't remember any of that. "YOU found me on the road?"

Katherine raised the glass back up to Kimberly's lips before answering. "Well yes, I just happened to be in the neighborhood near the school for my own personal reasons and was on my way home when I saw someone sneak behind a girl and hit them in the leg. You put up a good fight but whoever was on you managed to tie your hands up and put a cloth of something to your nose. I of course sprung into action and scared them off, threatening to wake the neighbors and call the cops. Imagine my surprise when I saw it was just the girl everyone's looking for," she smirked.

"So wait...you saw someone hit me in the leg, tie me up and make me pass out, but you scared them off conveniently as I passed out. And what, took me to the motel after?" Kimberly was skeptic, as she should've been. The story was not adding up to her and definitely didn't fit the timeline of events that she remembered, although her memory was really hazy. Waking up in a motel room with Lauren, Lauren saying she's helping her, Rebecca finding them, Rebecca making her help kill Lauren....

"What motel? We never went to any motel."

"Are you lying to me?"

Katherine put the almost finished glass of water on the table aggressively. "Why would I lie? I saved your life. Who knows what that person would've done to you? I saw this as an opportunity anyways. So I just put you in the car, injected some anesthesia to keep you asleep and decided to bring you to my cabin."

"So Lauren and Rebecca finding me, killing Lauren you're telling me that never happened?!"

Katherine looked at Kimberly like she grew two heads. She had to really sell this.
"I think I did give you too much. A side effect is crazy dreams like this. Were you by any chance drinking last night? That could interfere with it."

Kimberly's heart slowly began to drop as she realized that Katherine might be telling the truth. Even the clothes she vaguely remembers Rebecca wearing are the same ones Katherine is wearing...but there was too much of a coincidence. "I was..."

Katherine nodded understandingly. "Ahh yup, that could be it. I don't know who this Lauren is but I didn't see her and as for Rebecca well, she doesn't know you're here....yet." Katherine let Kimberly finish the rest of the water before going to the door to exit.

Kimberly let out a shaky breath she didn't know she was holding before asking her final question of the night. "Are you going to tell her?" The last thing she wanted was to see Rebecca again, especially after the drunk call, since that was allegedly the last time they interacted.

And with that, Katherine turned off the lights and left the room, locking it behind her and leaving Kimberly tied up in darkness.

"Damn I really should've asked her to use the bathroom...."


That was a long hiatus but I'm back.

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