43 - Fresh Air

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Rebecca's POV

I finally heard her voice again. The voice I've been longing to hear ever since she ran away from me. What I felt was a mix of anger, confusion, and love. It wasn't an ideal situation seeing as she was drunk, snapping and cursing at me, which I would have to add to her long list of punishments, but it was nice to hear her voice.

I immediately called Katherine after that to let her know what had happened. Thanks to her, I purchased a call tracking service that I managed to connect to Kimberly's phone. Curtesy of knowing hackers. After finding the general location and which cell towers the call came between, I did my research. I pulled up the student roster on my computer and began looking across all of her friend's addresses, finally finding a match at Michael's house.

'That location makes the most sense'

My heart began racing and I let excitement consume me. I was finally going to have her again, but I had to plan accordingly and for the worse case scenario. This time I was going to do it right....

I went into the garage and over to my jars of chemical mixes, looking for chloroform. Putting my mask on, I grabbed the jar and the cloth hanging next to it. I dipped the cloth into the jar and then placed it in the ziplock bag. I brought my taser and a blade just in case any unforeseen circumstances occurred.

I wasn't afraid to get violent or even a little bloody today, if it all meant getting my Kimberly back. I know she misses me even if she won't admit it, I'm all she has and she knows it.

I texted Katherine where I was going just in case I needed back up as I got into my car, smiling and slightly shaking out of excitement. This time I wasn't going to screw up....

Kimberly's POV

After blacking out I sat up from the couch I was laying on. I was hit with a wave of nausea and pain in my head that made me groan. Everyone around me was still passed out from earlier. I checked my phone to see it was 3am.

'How am I going to go back to sleep now?'

I looked around the room blinking a couple times, still a little groggy. Maybe some fresh air would help.

I stood up slowly, trying not to stumble and bump into things as I made my way out of the back door. The fresh air hit my face like the cool waves of the ocean and I took a deep breath. Soon I was going to move away and try to make a new life for myself, leave all this in the past.

I lost track of time and didn't notice that my feet had taken me a couple streets away. I needed to get back and take some medicine because this headache was not going away. At least it wasn't as bad as last time, and I have Jackie to thank for that for keeping me hydrated as best she could.

Third Person POV

Maybe it was the relaxing early morning atmosphere, the dark setting or her still groggy mind that made Kimberly not hyper aware of her surroundings as she took her walk. Maybe this is why she liked getting drunk, it made her forget her shitty situation even if temporarily. But in this exact moment, Kimberly would regret it all.

Putting her foot up on a bench to tie her shoe laces, she didn't notice the quiet footsteps behind her. However, in the corner of her eye, she saw the shadow of a person raising something up. Turning around too late, Kimberly yelped as felt the sudden sharp pain in her leg that was the result of a blunt object making contact with it.

Her body immediately curled as her hands reached towards her leg to hold it. These same hands were then grabbed and tied up as her assailant straddled her.

"HELLPP HELP!" She cried but it was no use.

Next she felt a cloth being put over her nose and mouth and couldn't help but feel like this felt familiar. 'You've gotta be fucking kidding me,' she thought as her mind grew increasingly foggy. She didn't stop fighting and fidgeting and trying to toss this person off of her.

"Stop fighting!" A female voice angrily yelled. "I'm doing this for your own good."

That's all Kimberly heard as she was completely engulfed by the darkness, but not before catching a glimpse of brown hair?


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