37 - Hospital

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Third Person POV

Kristen sped to the closest hospital to get the two some help, especially Joseph who was losing a lot of blood.

"Joseph. Hey! Hey Joe you gotta stay with me here."

He only groaned and mumbled something.

"You're gonna be okay alright kid. Keep your eyes open and keep applying pressure. C'mon Joe put pressure."

Kristen was getting worried but they soon arrived at the hospital and she rushed in and yelled for help, explaining to doctors on the way to the car as they took him out on a stretcher. Kim had somewhat come back to reality. Enough to realize her friend was now being rushed to the ER and that she wanted to go for support.

She called their other friends and told them what happened along with the hospital name. With them on the way, she held Joseph's hand tight and kept saying reassuring things to him before surgeons told her that she had to go so they could tend to him and stitch him up.

She didn't want to be separated but she knew they had to help him. Kristen held her and rubbed her back soothingly as they sat in the waiting room. Soon Maria, Jackie, Michael, Joseph's dad and even Ms. Smith came in.

"Where is he? Is he okay?!"

"We don't know we're waiting for news from the doctor."

"What the hell happened?"

Kimberly thought quick to make up a lie to his father. "We uh, we were mugged by a few street thugs, but Joseph stepped in and they got into a fight...as you can also see from our minor wounds and disheveled look."
Kimberly had to stop herself from talking. Too many details looks like you're lying.

"Why were you guys even there, wherever you were ?"
"That would be my fault. I had to pick up something a friend borrowed."

He eyed her warily before nodding. Kimberly sighed thankful that he had probably bought the story. Ms. Smith came over to her with a ginger ale and bag of pretzels.

"No thanks I'm not hungry, however I will take the soda."

This made her smile as she wrapped a comforting arm around her. "Are you okay?"

Kimberly didn't know the answer. Actually she did but she didn't want to admit it to herself yet. She knew she wouldn't be okay for a long time.

"Yeah yeah I'm okay. I'm just worried about Joseph."

"Was it her? Was all this because you tried to leave?" she whispered.

Kimberly looked around hoping no one was hearing their conversation before nodding.

"My goodness that's so awful. Where is she now?"

"We left her there, at her house. I don't know if she's injured or not, possibly."

Kristen leaned over having heard the last part of their conversation. "I may have shot her in the thigh," before leaning back to her seat.

Kimberly's eyes widened and her mouth hung slightly. "Are you serious?!"

"I mean, she was about to stab me so yeah."

Kimberly leaned back into Ms. Smith's arms scared, hurt, sad. Too many emotions were flooding through her for one day. She needed a nap.

Minutes later a doctor walked into the room asking for Joseph's family. His dad stood up with worry in his eyes and went up to him. "Thankfully he will be okay, but he lost a lot of blood. We're finding a match to supply him with right now. We've stitched him up, but he will need to stay here for a couple of days while we issue him opiates to make sure no dependency is formed."

Relief washed over his father's face. "Oh thank goodness. Can I see him?"

"He's still a little out of it right now so only for a little bit."

Joseph's dad, Jackie, Michael and Kimberly went in while the others stayed in the lobby.

"Hey bud, how's it going?"

"Fantastic," he mumbled

The group chuckled a little at how he was still able to keep his humor in this condition.

"The doctor said that you'll be here for a couple of days, but don't worry I'll be right here with you."

Seeing Joseph with his dad started to go make Kimberly miss her own.

"Excuse me," she said to Michael by the door.

Kimberly exited their hospital room and went back to the lobby looking for the bathroom. Ms. Smith noticed her walking by and decided to follow her.

She met Kimberly leaning against the sink with tears streaming down her face. Instead of saying anything, Ms. Smith walked over to her and pulled her into a tight hug. Kimberly allowed herself to break down into Ms. Smith's arms as she hugged her back and cried. They stayed like this for a couple minutes before Kimberly pulled back and splashed some water on her face. Ms. Smith put her hand on Kimberly's shoulder and looked into her eyes with sympathy.

"I'm here for you okay?"

"The last time someone said that to me they murdered my family," Kimberly said with a blank expression.

"I-....well I genuinely mean it. If you're still thinking about going away for a bit, I will help you."


"Of course. I'll also help you get in touch with a therapist friend of mine because after everything you went through, you will need one."

"I appreciate that, but I'll pass for now. I still need time to process everything."



Rebecca's POV

I managed to call Katherine and asked her to take me to the hospital, which I was currently in. They had stitched me up and medicated me but that didn't help the emotional turmoil I was feeling. I explained what happened to Katherine and she reacted completely how I didn't expect her to. She actually wanted to help. Katherine's a lot more like me than I thought.

I internally vowed to get my revenge on everyone involved in taking Kimberly away from me. All I felt right now was a burning anger...and I wanted someone to pay.


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