38 - Panic

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Kristen bursts through the bathroom door looking for Kimberly in a panic. She wasn't sure if what she just saw was really there or if it was her imagination, but she had to make it known. The sudden noise made Kimberly flinch and back away from Ms. Smith as they both turned to Kristen.

"I don't know if I'm imagining things, but I have some questions."

"What happened?"

"We googled the nearest hospital and drove to it right?"


"I shot the crazy bitch in the thigh so there's a possibility she could have passed out from blood loss right?"

"I think so, yeah."

"But there's also the possibility that she could've called someone to take her to the nearest hospital too."

Kimberly's face went pale. "Kristen...what are you getting at?"

"I think I just saw doctors rushing her in with a friend, I don't know though."

Kimberly began to pace back and forth with her hand on her forehead. She was starting to hyperventilate and get light headed.

Ms. Smith pulled her close and put both hands on either side of her face.
"Hey hey look at me, breathe Kimberly breathe. Watch me, inhale and exhale. It's gonna be okay we're in a hospital she can't do anything."

Kimberly began to calm down and nodded. Ms. Smith was right, they're in a hospital she can't do anything to her, plus she's hurt.

"Do you know what room she's in?"

"No idea, they just rushed her down the hall somewhere."

"Okay, okay that's fine. She's hurt, she can't do anything. It's the friend I'm worried about. Can you describe them?"

"Uh, same height, blonde curly hair, red lipst-"

"Ms. Cameron," Kimberly interrupted. "I thought so."

Ms. Smith turned to her confused. "Wait Ms. Cameron? My class is two doors to the right from hers. She's crazy too?"

"I guess so," Kimberly said biting her knuckle.
"Rebecca found her perfect crazy match why can't she just leave me the hell alone!"

"So should I tell the others?" Kristen asked.

"It's fine. I'll stay for like 5 more minutes then leave, I hate hospitals."

Kristen nodded as she left the public restroom and went back to the waiting room. Kimberly sighed again, this was all taking a huge mental toll on her.

"Is it okay if I get some alone time, just for a few minutes," she asked Ms. Smith.

"Yeah sure. I'll wait for you with the others."

Ms. Smith left, leaving Kimberly alone. Kimberly went into a stall and sat there with her face in her hands thinking. Never in a million years did she think something like this would happen in her life. Does this even happen in Lifetime Movies? She chuckled to herself.

The door to the public restroom opened again and out of instinct Kimberly thought it was one of her friends coming to check on her again.

"Go away I'm fine!" She groaned

When she heard no reply, she furrowed her eyebrows. I hope I didn't just embarrass myself in front of a stranger just trying to use the bathroom. Kimberly cautiously got up and opened the stall she was in, only to come face to face with-

"Ms. Cameron," she said in shock, barely above a whisper.

"Hello Kimberly," Ms. Cameron replied with a fake smile.

"I- what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same."

"Well obviously I'm in the bathroom for a reason."

Ms. Cameron's eyes narrowed and she took a step toward Kimberly, forcing her to take a step back in the stall.

"I don't know what you're up to, but I do know that you're an ungrateful little brat who can't appreciate the sacrifices someone is willing to make for you out of love. Rebecca has done so much for you and then you shoot her and run away?!"

"First of all, I did NOT shoot her and leave her for dead. You should talk to your friend and ask for the whole story. How she killed my friend and family, threatened them, pulled a knife and gun on me. She should be grateful I didn't call the police on her crazy ass."

Ms. Cameron's eyes softened for a quick second before she hid it back with authority.
"You listen here missy, you are the only person that can calm her down. She needs you as much as you need her. I'm just telling you now, if you leave, she will stop at nothing to find you. Just think about it."

And with that she backed up and went to wash her hands. "She's in room 27 by the way."

Kimberly didn't hesitate and ran out of the rest room to look for her friends. Her heart was beating fast and tears were threatening to spill again.

"Woah Kimberly what's wrong?" Ms. Smith said standing up to meet her.

"Ms. Cameron, bathroom, can we go now."

"Alright yeah, let me just grab my purse and say bye to Joseph and his family."


Pic is Ms. Smith and Ms. Cameron

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